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Connecting xbox 360 to pc monitor and speakers

Have you ever thought of playing your Xbox on a big PC monitor with great graphics specifications such as high resolution or high frame rate? This would have created a fun and amazing picture in your mind and you might be thinking about if you can set up your gaming system with Xbox and a big PC monitor to have an incredible gaming experience. It is important to learn so there is no confusion or complications when you start setting your gaming system with Xbox and PC monitor. If you are worried because you do not know how to connect Xbox to PC monitor with HDMI then you can relax and leave all your tensions on us because we are here to help you. After deep research, we prepared a step-by-step guide so you can easily understand what you need to do. It is not difficult to set up all these devices and connect Xbox to a PC monitor with an HDMI cable but to make it more simple and easy, you need to carefully understand every bit of each step so there is no room left for any trouble or problem.


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How to Use your Xbox One Controller to a PC? And a Console with a PC Monitor

Super User is a question and answer site for computer enthusiasts and power users. It only takes a minute to sign up.

Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. But I'm a student and live in a small apartment that has no TV, and no place to put a new TV money to buy one wouldn't be a problem , so I've been thinking to use the console with my PC monitor and my speakers.

My xbox elite old style is hooked up via HDMI to a tv no problem and I assume wouldn't be a problem with a monitor on HDMI, and then you can probably hook up sound direct from the monitor to your pc speakers? Alternatively, most 3rd party intercoolers have vga connectors too. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group.

Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Ask Question. Asked 9 years, 4 months ago. Active 7 years, 2 months ago. Viewed times. What do I need to make this happen?

Improve this question. It does, but a monitor only understands pictures. I still want audio : — heishe. Internet also to download the games? Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Improve this answer. Sam Sam 5 5 bronze badges. Thanks, but my monitor does indeed have no connectors to any external speakers. What kind of adapters do I need exactly? I have a hard time googleing.

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How to Hook Up Xbox 360 to a Computer Monitor

All you will need is an HDMI cable this will provide you digital video and digital audio via one cable. This link provides information on different cables you can use to connect to a monitor or HDTV support. Was this reply helpful? Yes No. Sorry this didn't help.

This box has HDMI in, HDMI out, L/R audio out, and audio out ports. Plug the HDMI from the Xbox One into this. Plug this box's HDMI out into.

Choosing speaker audio settings on your Xbox console

Most gamers play console games on the TV, but there are people who do not have the TV or want to take advantage of a spare monitor at home. You can easily connect the audio and video to your TV using a single cable as the TV has a built-in speaker system. Thus, first, you have to check which type of monitor you have and then follow the steps accordingly. If you have a monitor that has an HDMI port, and built-in speakers, then you do not have to use any external speakers or cables in order to get the sound. Connecting a monitor that does not have any external speakers, but has an audio output port, then you can simply connect the HDMI port to the monitor, and then use an external speaker in order to get the sound. Here are the super-easy steps that you can follow to get the sound. If you have a monitor that does have the above-mentioned attributes, then you have to use an HDMI splitter to get the sound. However, if your monitor does not have an HDMI port, then you have to use different splitters, and converters in order to get the display and sound. If you do not have built-in speakers on your monitor, the process can get a little tricky.

How to connect Xbox 360 to PC monitor with HDMI?

connecting xbox 360 to pc monitor and speakers

My Xbox is connected to a monitor which has no speakers, so it's pretty hard for me to play games that require sound, not to mention listening to music. Is there any way I can stream all audio content from the Xbox to the PC via network? You can not stream the audio from Xbox At least, not without a lot of mucking around. Even with a headset, you will generally not hear the regular game sound, as it was designed for player communication.

Super User is a question and answer site for computer enthusiasts and power users.

Listen To XBOX 360 Audio Via PC: Headset, Speakers Or Surround Sound System

Connect your Xbox console to a sound system. Note Xbox support content is no longer being maintained. If you need more info about your Xbox console, visit the Xbox Forums. See the steps below to learn how to connect your Xbox E, Xbox S, or original Xbox console to a sound system. Xbox E console: A standard stereo audio cable that connects your TV directly to your sound system. Cable requirements can vary by manufacturer; see your TV manual for details about how to output audio to an external source.

Can I use my PC as a monitor for Xbox 360?

Windows 11 Upgrade Guide. Select registration option. Error: Javascript is disabled in this browser. This page requires Javascript. Modify your browser's settings to allow Javascript to execute. See your browser's documentation for specific instructions. HP Customer Support. Select your model.

all-audio.pro › xbox › comments › using_hdmi_to_connect_your_.

Xbox – Using PC as speakers for Xbox 360

If you enjoy gaming on both console and PC, you, of course, you want to get the most out of your current gaming setup. This allows you to try different setups to find out what works better for you. If you are interested in setting up PS4 controller with your PC, you can read this article.

Playing Xbox 360 on my PC monitor

RELATED VIDEO: Xbox 360 to PC Monitor (with no built in speakers) - How to Get Sound

Console games can be played on a computer monitor by connecting it to the terminal. You can either use a TV or a computer monitor depending upon the availability of the device. People also tend to use the old computer monitors available at home. It just requires a bit of hard work to connect the devices in the right way to get it going. Connecting the monitor to an Xbox is quite a simple process, and here we are to show you How to hook up Xbox to a computer monitor. There are various ways to connect your Xbox to computer monitor.

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It's a good setup if you have limited desk space. Looods Loouuuds. Download Mp3. When using DVI you will get picture but no sound so in the video I show you How to connect external speakers to monitor How to connect external speakers to monitor Download Mp3.

Do they make an HDMI that splits into a positive and negative bare XBoX Forums. JakeSeebach Guest.

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