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Hyde park zoning regulations

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Hyde park zoning regulations

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In Hyde Park, A Row Over Housing Density, Historic Preservation And CodeNEXT

Zoning and Overlay Districts. Quick Links. Residential Learn more Residential. Commercial Learn more Commercial. Office Learn more Office. Industrial Learn more Industrial. Open Land A-1 Open Lands, Parks : Zone intended for larger land areas for development such as parks, schools, golf courses, agriculture and rural residential neighborhoods.

This zone is also used as a holding zone until development occurs. A-2 Open Land, Reserve : Zone intended for permanent open space and to properly guide growth on the fringe areas of the city. This may include lands for open space uses such as floodways, riparian areas, steep slopes and flood control facilities. Residential R-1A Single Family Residential, Large Lot : Zone intended for predominately single-family residential uses on lots 20, feet or larger, with average lot width of feet, a maximum height of 35 feet and with up to 2.

R-1B Single Family Residential, Suburban : Zone intended for predominately single-family residential uses on lots 9, feet or larger, with an average lot width of 75 feet, a maximum height of 35 feet and with up to 4. R-1C Single Family Residential, Urban : Zone intended for predominately single-family residential uses on interior lots of feet or larger feet for corner lots , with an average lot width of 50 feet 70 feet for corner lots , a maximum height of 35 feet and with up to 8.

R-1M Town Lot Residential : Zone intended for narrow lots that can be developed in blocks for urban row houses or combined into wider lots for single family detached housing. Lot sizes and widths vary depending on location and attachment to other housing. Up to 17 units are allowed per acre at a maximum height of 35 feet R-2 Medium Density Residential : Zone intended for moderate densities integrated within neighborhoods with similar lot area, width and height to the R-1C zone, but with up to R-3 Multi-Family Residential : Zone intended for higher density residential development in close proximity to retail, employment, transit, and other concentrated uses.

Similar lot area and widths to the R-1C zone, but with up to Office N-O Neighborhood Office : Zone intended for office uses serving nearby neighborhoods in buildings and on sites that are smaller than other office developments in other zoning districts at a maximum height of 35 feet.

This zone conditionally allows up to L-O Limited Office : Zone intended to accommodate office space in locations that are served by primary roadways, but that are inappropriate for commercial development because of the proximity to residential uses.

R-O Residential Office : Zone intended as a transition between high intensity commercial areas and higher density residential areas. It allows for higher density residential and office uses with an emphasis on high quality urban design and pedestrian orientation. This zone allows up to Commercial C-1 Neighborhood Commercial : Zone intended for commercial uses of a small scale in or near residential neighborhood to provide services for nearby residential areas, and other uses which are compatible with residential uses.

This zone also conditionally allows residential development at a density up to C-2 General Commercial : Zone intended for community and regional commercial and retail uses. This zone conditionally allows residential development at a density of up to C-3 Service Commercial : Zone intended for commercial activities of a service nature that are more intensive and that may be semi-industrial in character, but do not require an industrial location.

C-4 Planned Commercial : Zone intended for imaginative, innovative and comprehensively planned commercial developments, medium- to high- density residential projects in mixed-use or predominately commercial areas.

C-5 Central Business : Zone intended to provide for activities conducive to a compact and concentrated urban downtown mixed-used center. Residential uses are allowed without a density maximum.

Non-residential uses cannot exceed a Floor Area Ratio of 4 see diagram. There are no height limits in the C-5 zone. Industrial M-1 Light Industrial District : Zone intended for light industrial uses that may be appropriate near commercial or residential development.

This zone does not allow residential uses. M-2 Heavy Industrial District : Zone intended for heavy industrial uses that, for reasons of health, safety, or general welfare are not permitted in the M-1 District. M-2 lands should also be separated from commercial or residential development and M-2 uses should not create hazardous conditions.

T-1 Technological-Industrial Park : Zone intended for well-designed technological-industrial parks that can accommodate light industrial, technological, professional office and similar uses. These parks may be adjacent to residential districts if they are located on an arterial roadway and are not materially detrimental to the health, safety, and welfare of nearby residents.

This zone does not allow residential uses and has a minimum lot area of 20 acres. T-2 Technological-Manufacturing Park : Zone intended for manufacturing and technological facilities that may have a greater impact on the surrounding area than industries allowed in the T-1 District. T-2 lands should also be served by major transportation facilities and be buffered from adjacent residential areas.

This zone does not allow residential uses and has a minimum site area of acres. Other HS Health Services District : Zone intended for health and medical related uses near major medical institutions.

Limited office and multi-family residential uses may be allowed that have similar low intensity land use characteristics that provide support services to health and medical uses.

This zone allows for U University District : Zone intended for consistent development of Boise State University throughout its planned expansion area. PC Pedestrian Commercial : Zone intended for pedestrian-friendly retail, office, and mixed-use developments in a pedestrian friendly environment. This zone allows integrated residential uses up to Design Review Overlay D Design Review Overlay District : Overlay which enhances properties by ensuring adequate landscaping, circulation, pedestrian facilities, building orientation and attractive architecture architecture is in compliance with the Citywide Design Guidelines.

Staff or committee approval is required for any visible exterior improvement to non-residential or multi-family sites, buildings, or structures. Staff or commission approval of Certificates of Appropriateness are required for any exterior changes to a building or site.

Standards are meant to enhance downtown vitality by promoting compact, walkable development and high quality design. Staff or committee approval is required for any exterior improvement, addition or new development. Standards are meant to preserve the views of both the State Capitol and the Boise Depot, create a pedestrian friendly streetscape and require new structures be built to the highest standards.

Staff or committee approval is required for new buildings, parking lots, most additions and alterations. P-1 Central Downtown Parking District : District meant to accommodate the need for alternative off-street parking ratios in accordance with the special needs of the downtown area.

No off-street parking is required in the P-1 area but off-street loading requirements apply. P-2 River-Myrtle Parking District : District meant to accommodate the need for alternative off-street parking ratios in accordance with the special needs of the downtown area.

Most uses benefit from fewer required parking spaces compared to other areas in the city. P-3 South Downtown Parking District : District meant to accommodate the need for alternative off-street parking ratios in accordance with the special needs of the downtown area. Many uses benefit from fewer required parking spaces compared to other areas in the city. Parking standards encourage active street level uses and are applied on a graduated scale.

Shared parking is encouraged to reduce the need for surface parking. Near North End Conservation District : Transitional overlay between the commercial intensity of Downtown and the predominant single-family residences of the North End. Intended to protect the historical and architectural character of the neighborhood and encourages residential uses.

Adaptive reuse of existing structures is encouraged. Livestock, small animals and agricultural uses are allowed in this district to a greater degree than what is typically required throughout the rest of the city.

S Sycamore Neighborhood District : District meant to preserve the semi-rural and agricultural character of the Sycamore Neighborhood. Livestock, small animals and agricultural uses are allowed to a greater degree than what is typically required throughout the rest of the city.

Boise River System Overlay District : District meant to ensure that development along the river complies with federal, state and local regulations that are sensitive to fish and wildlife, the riparian area, recreation and flood protection. Increased setbacks are intended to protect the river, greenbelt and bird habitats. Floodplain : Federally designated area adjacent to a stream or river which can experience flooding during periods of high discharge. Any development must comply with federal standards which could require elevating structures, flood-proofing or restricting development.

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Zoning Board of Appeals

Zoning and Overlay Districts. Quick Links. Residential Learn more Residential. Commercial Learn more Commercial.

S-1 HYDE PARK NEIGHBORHOOD DISTRICT REGULATIONS A. Establish a zoning mechanism for the neighborhood that will allow a variety of housing.

Hyde Park, Boston

The Zoning Board of Appeals is a 5 member board and 2 ad hoc members that act independent of the Village Board of Trustees, and is responsible for adhering to established Village Zoning Ordinances regarding residential, commercial, and industrial zoned districts within the Village. The ZBA members play an important role in protecting the integrity of the Village Zoning Ordinances which ultimately protects the long term interests of the Village as it relates to land usage, subdivision of property, zoning districts, density and intensity within each zoning district, permitted usage, and lots sizes. Zoning Board of Appeals. Home Zoning Board of Appeals. The Zoning Board of Appeals is charged in protecting the long-term interests of the Village as it relates to land usage, subdivision of property, zoning districts, density and intensity within each zoning district. It also permits usage by enforcing Village zoning ordinances regarding residential, commercial, and industrial zoned districts within the Village. Meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at pm.

Zoning & Maps

hyde park zoning regulations

Now, a lawyer has questioned whether New Hyde Park actually has any legal zoning ordinance. Feinberg originally was hired by Nicola and Rosalie Nuzzi of New Hyde Park to help them fight the village's demand that they move their bakery trucks from in front of their house. The trucks violated local zoning laws, they were told. When Mr. Feinberg went to the village clerk to see the zoning ordinance, ''they gave me an old yellow newspaper, a copy of the March 30, , New Hyde Park Leader,'' he said.

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Zoning and Overlay Districts

Want to find housing data for your community? Download U. Census housing data and use the Homes for a Changing Region data guide to analyze it. Most communities have multiple submarkets within their boundaries. The issues facing each submarket as well as strategies tailored to address them are outlined below.

City Building

New real estate development can be exciting. It can also bring a lot of frustration to members of a community. Supreme Court decided Village of Euclid v. Ambler Realty Co. This landmark case has allowed municipalities to adopt zoning ordinances in order to protect the health, safety, morals and the general welfare of its community.


Council debates preservation of special zoning districts

Council is fundamentally in agreement that a new code is necessary and that a zoning map should be drafted along with the zoning text for the eventual approval of both components at the same time. Preparing for a possible vote on a joint response to the questions Thursday, Council sat down Tuesday morning to consider providing context to the answers and additional direction to city staffers as they prepare to act on those responses. In general, conditional overlays are simple enough to be incorporated into the base zoning document of a new land use code, but the complexity of more particular zoning overlays like Neighborhood Conservation Combining Districts could make them difficult to match with new, simplified regulations.

New traffic flow for parents dropping of children at North Park Elementary. Please see the information here. Check out our video created to inform you of the latest on the water situation and provide you with water conservation tips. Hyde Park City Council has placed a moratorium on all new landscaping using culinary water.

But shortly after she began her search for real estate in Hyde Park she realized she was fighting a losing battle.

American Legal Publishing Corporation provides these documents for informational purposes only. These documents should not be relied upon as the definitive authority for local legislation. Additionally, the formatting and pagination of the posted documents varies from the formatting and pagination of the official copy. The official printed copy of a Code of Ordinances should be consulted prior to any action being taken. For further information regarding the official version of any of this Code of Ordinances or other documents posted on this site, please contact the Municipality directly or contact American Legal Publishing toll-free at

A new comprehensive plan has been developed. The Hyde Park Zoning Committee focused on several areas including proposed zoning changes in the business district and in East Hyde Park. It also focused on property setbacks which involve restrictions on the distance a building can be from the curb, property line or other structures, and front yard parking. Addressing rumors the new zoning code could potentially permit big box stores in the business district, Gary Wollenweber, who is head of the Zoning Committee, said the committee will make recommendations to maintain a specific height and square footage for buildings in the area.

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