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Bbc loudspeaker distortion

Harwood , S. Report Download Jan Details are given of the various factors which have led to the design of two new monitoring loudspeakers suitable for use in studios and outside broadcasts. In the course of the design, the questions of bass pre-emphasis and of directivity have been examined in some detail.


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WATCH RELATED VIDEO: How much distortion can you hear? - Audio Distortion Test

1387 results for 'Factors in the design of loudspeaker cabinets'

Read something you like? Want to know more? Call us on Back to Store. Broadcast sound engineering calls for very high-quality reference loudspeakers to monitor both the content and quality of the broadcast output.

Whether in the broadcast gallery or on location, having an accurate, repeatable broadcast reference, is essential. So it came to pass then, that in the s, the BBC Engineering Department, under the stewardship of Dudley Harwood, began the search for a small monitor loudspeaker for use in tightly confined spaces.

Whilst a number of commercially available loudspeakers were available, none were deemed fit for the purpose. The original BBC design was very specific regarding materials to be used in the construction of the loudspeaker cabinets: 12 mm birch plywood was to be used with every joint strengthened with beech braces.

The BBC were especially concerned with the effects of resonance and coloration and hence those very specific wood types and specifications were specified to prevent interaction with the resonance of the bass drivers.

The crossover, too, was built to very exacting BBC specifications: high quality screened air-gap inductors and film capacitors of tight tolerances were specified. Once again, a very BBC loudspeaker. However, in , KEF finally ceased manufacture of these drivers and by all remaining stocks had been exhausted. The discontinuation of the B and T27 left Stirling with a difficult choice: discontinue this famous speaker, or seek out alternative driver units.

A new crossover design was created, which, in conjunction with proprietary drivers from SEAS and Scanspeak, mimics the response of the original KEF units. You must be logged in to post a comment. Call us on Back to Store.

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The BBC LS3/6

The elegance of the iFi LS3. Set-up, sit-down and relax. The LS3. Bamboo removes distortion and is a natural sound absorber. The classy look of the LS3. And the LS3. Developed in-house, the LS3.

Pair Speaker Box For Rogers LS3 / 5A, Rogers LS 3 / 5A rosewood BBC The speakers rising response of over 5kHz is achieved without distortion.

BBC Heritage

While the cabinet and crossover make an important contribution to the overall sound, limitations of the drive units place a very real restriction on the absolute level of transparency and musicality achievable from the loudspeaker. Some shortcomings of poor quality drive units can be mitigated using an over-complex crossover, but this brings other problems. Quite simply, it's far better to devote time and resources to optimising the drive unit at the outset. Providing you have the expertise to do so. On the face of it, a dynamic moving-coil loudspeaker is a very simple piece of technology: just a powerful magnet, a coil of wire, and a conical diaphragm. But any electro-acoustic system - be it a microphone, a pick-up cartridge on a turntable, or a loudspeaker - is riddled with complexities because physical objects have mass and the ability to flex, meaning that they will distort and resonate, colouring the sound. The starting point is a strong chassis to hold all components in perfect alignment with each other. The voice coil moves within a very narrow gap, a gap that must be kept as small as possible to maintain an extremely high flux density , but at no point in the life of the unit must the voice coil be allowed to touch the magnetic pole pieces. If that happens, gross distortion results, leading to eventual failure.

119 results for 'distortion'

bbc loudspeaker distortion

This section of my website is dedicated to BBC and Rogers loudspeakers. It started life over 20 years ago with just a scan of an old Rogers brochure and my review of the LS7. Since then, it has grown a lot, and has become a fairly comprehensive source of information about BBC-designed loudspeakers. This gradual change in emphasis hasn't yet prompted me to move non-BBC designs from Rogers - such as the LS7 and the dB - to a separate section of the website, but that might well happen eventually. In the meantime, this section broadly divides into BBC and Rogers sections.

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Retro LS3.5

Read something you like? Want to know more? Call us on Back to Store. Broadcast sound engineering calls for very high-quality reference loudspeakers to monitor both the content and quality of the broadcast output. Whether in the broadcast gallery or on location, having an accurate, repeatable broadcast reference, is essential.

How Rogers Hi-Fi is bringing back some iconic BBC speakers

Notice Please note that most of the software linked on this forum is likely to be safe to use. If you are unsure, feel free to ask in the relevant topics, or send a private message to an administrator or moderator. To help curb the problems of false positives, or in the event that you do find actual malware, you can contribute through the article linked here. Folks, I've been aware for a while that many loudspeakers intentionally reduce the "harshness" range around 2 to 4 KHz to sound smoother and less fatiguing. I've seen data for speakers having dips as large as 8 dB!

Is the BBC dip in 2kHz-4kHz range in speaker design intentional, read it) that the BBC dip was to help control some higher distortion in.

Stirling Broadcast

Stirling Broadcast. Given the current issues with freight globally we anticipate a 2 -3 week wait. In the meantime we do have some demonstration stock available for our serious friends. Described by Doug Stirling as a "masterpiece", this loudspeaker follows the typical BBC thin-walled design ideal and meets the requirements for high quality studio monitoring at moderate sound levels.

Loudspeaker distortion associated with low-frequency signals

We design, engineer and build all our loudspeakers in the UK. Our loudspeakers are easy to set up, work perfectly with whatever Hi-Fi equipment you have and transform the way you hear and enjoy every style of music. Their timeless, elegant design, which has evolved over five decades, makes them instantly and unobtrusively at home in any room. Best of all, they deliver a true, transparent and musical sound way beyond their price point.

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Has a woofer in my centre speaker blown/failed?

All rights reserved. Except as provided below, no part of this document may be reproduced in any material form including photocopying or storing it UDC Harwood, B. The BBC grants permission to individuals and organisations to make copies of the entire document including this copyright notice for their own internal use. No copies of this document may be published, distributed or made available to third parties whether by paper, electronic or other means without the BBC's prior written permission.

Designers and builders of Loudspeakers in the BBC tradition. To ensure greater production consistency Stirling Broadcast is switching to glued on rear panels across the range. Extensive testing has revealed no performance changes.

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  1. Fenrizil

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  2. Shakale

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  3. Togal

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