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Best full range speaker open baffle horn

Sagarmatha Duo. Sagarmatha is the sanskrit name of the highest mountain on earth, the name equals the absolute sound quality which is lifted a full step ahead to a paramount level. The resulting soundquality is breathtaking and will open new perspectives even when you listen music with famous big historical horn- speakers believing that progress in developing the quality of speakers stopped many decades ago. The Sagarmatha Duo speakers are made to sound best in medium to big sized rooms, they require some free space around the baffles to show best sound quality.


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Best full range speaker open baffle horn

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WATCH RELATED VIDEO: the DIY open baffle speakers 18\

12 of the world's most expensive loudspeakers

User Name Stay logged in? Open baffle horns? Hi, I'm new to the forum. I've been toying with the thought of building a set of OB loudspeakers. I've got a set of magnaplanar SMGa's that I've always loved because of the wide open soundstage and their sweet detail. They're well balanced because I use them in conjunction with a Klipsch passive sub that fills in the low end nicely. Their main drawback to me is they have too much of a laid-back sound and don't offer the real punch and dynamics that I'd like.

I understand why they have such a broad soundstage because they radiate out the back of the loudspeaker as well as the front. What my question is, is what advantage is there to horns used in an open baffle configuration when horns don't radiate sound out the back of the loudspeaker?

Do horns in an OB offer any improvement in soundstage over being mounted in an enclosure, and if so, how? Does the OB design contribute to a broad, open soundstage that extends to outboard of the loudspeakers even with horns, is that just a virtue of the OB design? Thanks for your patience and for any and all explanations. I've enjoyed reading the threads in this forum and there are a lot of very knowledgeable folks here.

I haven't been able to find the answers to my questions with a search though. I could be wrong, but, If it's a horn then it can't be an Open Baffle. As I understand it OB radiate from both sides of the drivers cone. If one side is closed horn then it cannot be an OB. However you could make a dipole horn. Hope thats right Last time I heard the mag's, they were good, but, as you say they have limited dynamics. And as for 'sweet spot' listening, don't even move a few cm's out..

EV made a dipolar horn driver. Paul Eizik has a large dipolar horn system with horns pointing front and rear wired in opposite polarity. Not the same as open baffles of course. Funny thing about open baffles; very few people will admit to making a bad one.

Only Kurt Chang and me as far as I know. Soundlab made a HUGE front and back horn loaded electrostat, like eight feet fall and six feet deep - a local guy has a pair. Sound good, but still sound like toys compared to a good dynamic horn loaded system. Very cohesive but still has the poor dynamics of other electrostats.

TOM- I have heard plenty of bad sounding open baffles, almost as many as bad sounding horns. Thanks guys for answering my questions. Your responses were very informative! Find More Posts by chops. Thats what i would call a great use of an open baffle, since it gives your low frequencies more directivity and the horn controlls the high frequencies.

It does seem to be doing quite well so far. They have the imaging and soundstaging very similar to bookshelf speakers, except a much larger picture. BB code is On. Smilies are On. Forum Rules. All times are GMT. The time now is PM. Resources saved on this page: MySQL User Name. Stay logged in? Mark Forums Read.

Multi-Way Conventional loudspeakers with crossovers. Please consider donating to help us continue to serve you. Page 1 of 4. Last ». Thread Tools. View Public Profile. Send a private message to critterxl. Find More Posts by critterxl. Send a private message to MadMutt. Find More Posts by MadMutt. Send a private message to MaVo. Find More Posts by MaVo. Send a private message to Tom Brennan.

Find More Posts by Tom Brennan. Find More Posts by Magnetar. Quote: Originally posted by Tom Brennan Funny thing about open baffles; very few people will admit to making a bad one. Send a private message to Pano. Find More Posts by Pano. Quote: Originally posted by critterxl Thanks guys for answering my questions.

Send a private message to chops. Posting Rules. Similar Threads. Does open baffle suffer from baffle step? Open-baffle baffle length. Murphy baffle radios [ open baffle ]. Australians- what solid timbers for baffle? Frequently Asked Questions Did you forget your password?

2-Way Speaker Kits

The speakers sound pretty good, cabinet seems decent quality, although a bit dull brown. Sound is maybe a touch bright. The connectors in the back are a major annoyance though. I bought a pair of expensive cables with banana clips for these only to find they aren't compatible - only option is to feed a stripped wire into the connector with a plastic screw cap. Every piece of stereo equipment I've bought since has at least accepted banana clips.

Even Rock & Roll sounds great, something most full rangers can't claim. Having experimented with several full range drivers on open baffle it.

Full Range Drivers for Open-Baffle

Read times. Pages: [ 1 ] 2 Go Down. This post lists drivers for DIY open baffles. The list cannot possibly cover every driver that "could" be used in an OB configuration, so it focuses on drivers that are proven or popular for DIY use, or otherwise interesting. Drivers must also be readily available new to be listed. Please post in this thread if you have a suggestion that is not already here or additional information that should be added to this post. Update: I've tried to order each section roughly by cost. Just thought it would help people looking for drivers to focus in based on their budget. Fullrange and mid-tweet While any fullrange driver could be put onto an open baffle, this list mostly includes only those specifically suited for it, meaning high-ish Qts or that were recommended by members. Many have fairly low Xmax so you may want to supplement the bass when used on open baffle.

Open Baffle / Full Range Speakers

best full range speaker open baffle horn

Have you looked at the 18" Goldwood drivers? They get to 30 Hz. My friend build his award winning "Alphasaurus" OB bass with 8 Eminence Alphas per channel for a total of 16 and easily got down to 25 Hz. I looked at the specs on that driver. Very much a good driver for OB operation I think.

A loudspeaker enclosure or loudspeaker cabinet is an enclosure often rectangular box-shaped in which speaker drivers e.

Full range single driver open baffle fans

Log in or Sign up. Steve Hoffman Music Forums. Location: Brooklyn, NY. Speaking of Pure Audio Project, I also have a pair of unused Trio frames waiting for me to get inspired to dive into another OB project. My dream was to have those support a wider baffle than the PAP standard Those woofers might be slightly too big in diameter for the spacing between the PAP frame uprights, though, so that project is on pause.

Open baffle speaker kit

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Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for DK25q HiFi Hawthorne Audio Solo 15 Open Baffle Full range High Efficiency Coaxial Speakers.

Open baffle speaker kits

It gets nearly everything right — but you must modify it in order to smooth out its roughness and add a super tweeter to extend its high frequencies. It can be used in sealed, ported or open baffle type cabinets. I use the 12LTA on an open baffle. In addition, a helper woofer in the form of a powered H-frame, provides bass.

More information. Open Baffle Speakers. Hifi Speakers. Sound Speaker. Audio Sound. Basic Open Baffles.

Made in the USA and in Europe.

Madisound offers a wide selection of do-it-yourself speaker kits for nearly all high-fidelity applications. These are typically superior in quality than comparable consumer audio products, at a fraction of the price. Check with us by phone or email, as we maintain a file of archived designs for which we can provide drivers and assembled crossovers. These xover designs span decades and even include many using drivers no longer available. Speaker kit assembly service available on request. Please contact Lee Taylor to discuss cabinet options and pricing. Login Register.

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  1. Herald

    I think it does not exist.

  2. Jobe

    the very valuable piece

  3. Boone

    class class super !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!