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Odd craigslist ads speakers

Your account is not active. We have sent an email to the address you provided with an activation link. Check your inbox, and click on the link to activate your account. Rumors abound that you can buy absolutely anything that your mind can think of on Craigslist. Well, plenty of us has officially admitted that our imaginations need some fine-tuning and updating after taking a closer look at the bizarre and hilarious advertisements you can find while scrolling through the site. So put on your giggling goggles, buckle in and start scrolling.


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I'm an ex-Facebook exec: don't believe what they tell you about ads

The Internet is a strange place - we've all come to accept this fact even though we don't always realise exactly how weird the online world really is. But one of the strangest corners of the Web is the listings site Craigslist, where you can find people who have Pope Hats to sell , and someone who will pay for you to soak in pasta.

OLX and Quikr are battling out to be India's answer to Craigslist , and so we wondered how weird these sites get. Pretty weird, it turns out, and here are just 10 of the strange things we saw being sold online:. Asking for merely four lakhs, the seller of this script is based in Mumbai - where else - and at pages, you are paying Rs. We'd say proceed at your own risk, but honestly, if you're thinking of buying this, we'd like to meet you first.

We're pretty sure that it's illegal to buy and sell people in India - even online. This enterprising young man in Buxar in Bihar seems to be looking for a patron to fund his transportation business, because you can buy his auto, with driver, for Rs.

Livestock is a surprisingly popular category on OLX - the ads that focus on selling off old phones and furniture might be missing an opportunity here.

You can get cows for a range of seemingly affordable prices and there are a lot to choose from - even if you limit the ads to ones with pictures, you're still left with over This one is our favourite though, because it shows a seller who doesn't want to split a family apart, though he seems a little confused about the gender of his stock.

How was he getting that milk? There's a certain degree of focussed literal-thinking in classifying a paan pushcart as a commercial vehicle. Personally, if you're looking for an interesting piece of furniture that gives your home a unique and quirky look, this could actually be a good buy.

That Rs. Best line of the ad: Take your pick from"Argent for sell. That is apparently the very long name of a "famous and good producer dog" in Nashik, and if you have Rs. Looking for a power steering rack and pump repairer?

If you're in Pune, you can contact this advertiser, but it might cost you Rs. Who do some very specific work. We're not surprised to see this listing come in from Delhi. Apparently, you can spend Rs. We suppose owning those notes could be considered lucky - because if someone actually buys them then the person who had them just made an easy Rs. A seller in Jalandhar has a serious misunderstanding of the meaning of the word "pet" - if you're browsing in that category you can find this ad for "pathian" or dung cakes, at a pretty high price for something that essentially comes for free.

Price not declared. This seller has a voodoo spell available in Mumbai that can bind more than one person together - a love spell to ensure that the people you care about stay together forever.

Which would be very awkward when it's time to go to the bathroom but we won't judge. Unfortunately, the seller hasn't put a price on love and so we can't tell you what this will cost you, but there's a "professor" in the contact email ID, which has to be reassuring, right?

Best line of the ad: "Binding people together is the major task which can be done well with voodoo magic because it has been like this since slave trade error. Aadhar cards apparently turn up missing lot, and the lost and found community on Quikr seems like a good place to try and find them.

Of course, if you've know the card number, you could just follow these steps to print a new one but otherwise, it might be a good idea to check sites like Olx and Quikr for your card, we suppose. These are just some of the many absurd and wonderful things we were able to find online on the two listings sites, and there's really much more available if you have the time to sort through it all. Most of the products you'll find on the site are actually quite predictable and reasonable - but every so often you come across these gems that make it so much fun to just browse.

What are the weirdest things you've ever seen on an e-commerce site? Tell us via the comments. For the latest videos on gadgets and tech, subscribe to our YouTube channel. Pretty weird, it turns out, and here are just 10 of the strange things we saw being sold online: 1. A film screenplay Rs. Best line of the ad: "Best Screenplay to but if you are eyeing film festivals. Driver, with auto Rs. Best line of the ad: "Tampooo. Cow, with son Rs. Best line of the ad: "Cow with his son. Paan stall Rs.

Stud labrador Rs. Best line of the ad: "We accept cash basis OR puppy basis. Repairer Rs. Best line of the ad: "We also repair electronic power steering of Honda city swift sx4. Money for nothing Rs. Best line of the ad: "Lucky number " 8. Best line of the ad: " pieces please contact as soon. Voodoo spells Price not declared This seller has a voodoo spell available in Mumbai that can bind more than one person together - a love spell to ensure that the people you care about stay together forever.

Aadhar cards - Aadhar cards apparently turn up missing lot, and the lost and found community on Quikr seems like a good place to try and find them. Best line of the ad: "karke dabri thane m inform kare.

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The 10 Weirdest Things You Can Buy Off OLX and Quikr

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Spanish-speakers engaged more with the Ads than English-speakers. Google Ads, Amazon Mechanical Turk (AMT), Facebook (FB), and Craigslist (Temple and.

ADS and NHT speakers

Three erstwhile copycats innovate through trial and error, to fight the fierce war over online classifieds market. A few years back Ren Jinglei, a university student interning at an IT company in Beijing, decided to buy a bicycle to ease his commute to the office. Like an increasing number of Chinese people, Ren prefers to do his shopping online and he promptly turned to the internet for help. However, this time around the problem was a wee bit pricklier than usual: Ren wanted a second-hand bike—compared to a new bike, the odds of someone stealing it were low. But all the e-commerce sites like Taobao , Dangdang and buy. The Baidu search results pointed him to Ganji. Ren zeroed in on advertisements for second-hand bicycles available in Chaoyang District, where he worked—it would be easier to collect it from somewhere close to office. And when he finally found what he was looking for, he set up a meeting time with the owner. The next day Ren simply walked across to a subway station near his office, handed over RMB to the owner and got his bike. Ganji, as its slogan claims, has everything—if you are looking for a second-hand bike like Ren, the site will help you find one.

5 Warning Signs That A Craigslist Rental Listing Is Probably A Scam

odd craigslist ads speakers

David, aka Grumpy, needs our help. Great news. David is home! It was quite the ordeal to get him home and into the house, but it is done.

Martin Hudson.

Funny CraigsList Ads

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The Top Five Wackiest Ads on Craigslist Syracuse

Syracuse, NY looks like a rather conservative town but has a rich history of many things wild and wonderful. For instance, an abandoned gas station was turned into a work of art by the World Reclamation Project, a group that protested our dependence on oil by wrapping the gas station, including the pumps, in a large multicolored blanket made from squares donated by environmentally conscious people from 16 different countries. Syracuse also has an art deco building in the middle of town, and an upside down traffic signal that was the result of continuous vandalism by Irish rebels. The sabotage of the traffic light happened so often the town decided to let the green light reign above the red as it was more pleasing to the Irish to leave it that way. The best part is that they have never been used, so you can have one or all of them for your very own to use for Halloween decoration fun or whatever your imagination decides the poster claims. You get a discount if you take all four.

I believe the social media giant could target ads at depressed teens and countless other demographics. But so what?

The 18 Weirdest And Funniest Craigslist Ads For Musicians

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China’s Craigslist Wannabes

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Funny Craigslist Post's....

Veda Hille has been writing music, making records, and performing all over the place since She is a classically trained pianist, art school drop out, performance curator, self-taught singer, theatre interloper, and independent artist. She has released 13 albums, the latest being Peter Panties a wild document of a legendary Vancouver theatre show, released The show, based on craigslist ads, continues to tour after its premiere in Other collaborations have resulted in video and music performances, electro acoustic experiments, rock songs for children, and an opera about pine trees. Above all, Veda aims to write songs that are distinct and precise and beautiful.

How to Write a Killer Craigslist Ad

Come get these free craigslist chairs you acquired last year and put them out on the curb. There are probably better feelings: feeding orphans, saving lives, winning the lottery, a really good sneeze, eating secret ice cream, etc is the feeling I get when I throw things away. Not only do I love shopping at the Goodwill, but I love having a pile of stuff to give to the Goodwill. This is recycling at its finest.

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