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Optical plug on tv

Optical audio cables are a great option for any home theater or audio system. These cords use light to transmit the audio signals from the audio source to the receiver, and because of this, they are not affected by any electrical interference. Optical audio cables, also commonly referred to as Toslink cables, are especially recommended for old homes where there are more chances of electrical leaks due to the accumulation of moisture. Optical audio cables also provide far superior audio quality as compared to standard coaxial cables. However, these pieces of equipment are not the cheapest ones on the market, so there are a couple of things that you should keep in mind when connecting an optical audio cable to your receiver.


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Which cable do you need to connect a soundbar to your TV?

However, it does get annoying, especially if your TV was meant to give the best watching experience. This is where soundbars came in. Soundbars are speakers that come in the shape of a bar. Say, you bought a soundbar. What do you do now? There are two ways to connect the soundbar to your TV - through an optical cable or through connecting all audio and video components directly to the soundbar.

Fortunately, there are many ways to connect the soundbar without the optical cable. Connecting via Bluetooth is so common these days with all the Bluetooth speakers available in the market. This is by far the easiest and most convenient way to connect your TV with your soundbar because there are no cables involved. You can do away with those wires for good! Of course, connecting via Bluetooth is only possible if your TV has a Bluetooth connection.

Otherwise, if your TV supports Bluetooth, then this will just be a walk in the park. The first thing you have to know is how to activate your Bluetooth connection on the TV. Different TV sets have different instructions for this, but most of them can be seen through the Source options.

But not so fast! You have to make sure both devices are turned on first. It can process sound formats like Dolby Atmos and 7.

The RCA cables are more commonly known as the colourful cables that usually come in red, white or black , and yellow. Then, connect the yellow plug to your TV. After connecting all the plugs correctly, you can now turn on both the soundbar and the TV.

Some people experience a few problems connecting with the RCA cables because the colour-coding can be confusing. If your TV comes with a manual, make sure to consult it first to make sure that all the plugs are correctly placed in their corresponding ports. Lastly, you can connect with an AUX cord. If you did it properly, you would already notice the sound coming out from the soundbar.

So as you can see, no optical cable, no problem! Pick from one of these four other options to enjoy your soundbar. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. July 7, How Do You Operate a Soundbar? How to Connect the Soundbar Without the Optical Cable Fortunately, there are many ways to connect the soundbar without the optical cable.

Using Bluetooth Connecting via Bluetooth is so common these days with all the Bluetooth speakers available in the market. Using HDMI. Using RCA Cables. Lisa Hayden. You may also like. November 4, November 3, November 2, November 1, Leave a Comment Cancel Reply Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.

HDMI ARC vs Optical – Which Connection is Better?

Have you Samsung TV which you have connected to external tv speakers or soundbars using Optical cable but there is no sound coming out from the external sound system? If yes, then read our guide to completely solve this problem. Built-in TV speakers are not so great to hear an excellent quality of sound. So, we have to connect our desired external speakers to enjoy great sound. Optical cable is one of the best methods for audio transfer as it transmits high-quality audio but you should do it properly. When you connect your Samsung TV to external speakers or soundbar through an optical cable, you need to change a few settings on your TV.

Ensure that the optical cables are firmly inserted into the TV and sound bar's optical ports. · Navigate to the TV's setting -> Audio Setting and ensure that “S/.

4 Ways to Connect a Soundbar to TV Without HDMI or Optical

Forum Rules. Remember Me? Advanced Search. Page 1 of 2 1 2 Last Jump to page: Results 1 to 10 of Add Thread to del. Hey all, I would have thought that it would be straightforward enough to optically connect the digital output of my Samsung TV to the ADAT optical in on my Apollo 8 interface, but not a blip on the console. I've gone through the sample rates, used different cable, Has anyone successfully connected their TV to their Apollo via digital? I'm thinking that possibly Samsung want me to buy a sound bar, but what a waste that would be!

How to connect a soundbar to a TV: Optical vs. HDMI cables

optical plug on tv

If you just bought a soundbar, you might have noticed there are several different kinds of connection ports on the back. This is because HDMI transfers audio digitally, which means it will be raw and uncompressed. Also, HDMI cables can handle the most high-end soundbars, including ones that support surround sound. While ARC supports compressed 5. If you want to know more about the difference between surround sound systems, check out our guide on how to set up a surround sound system here.

However, it does get annoying, especially if your TV was meant to give the best watching experience. This is where soundbars came in.

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Due to their high attenuation of light, the effective range of plastic optical cables is limited to 5—10 m. Although less commonly available and more expensive than plastic optical fiber POF cables, glass or silica optical fibers have lower losses and can extend the range of the TOSLINK system. Optical cables are not susceptible to electrical problems such as ground loops and RF interference. Several types of fiber can be used for TOSLINK: inexpensive 1 mm plastic optical fiber, higher-quality multistrand plastic optical fibers, or quartz glass optical fibers, depending on the desired bandwidth and application. TOSLINK cables are usually limited to 5 meters in length, with a technical maximum [1] of 10 meters , for reliable transmission without the use of a signal booster or a repeater. However, it is very common for interfaces on newer consumer electronics satellite receivers and PCs with optical outputs to easily run over 30 meters on even low-cost 0.

How to connect audio and video devices to your TV

RCA vs. Coaxial vs. What Hi-Fi? The Audiophiliac asks the experts: Do digital audio connections sound different? Why isn't digital audio 'just ones and zeroes'? An audio connection originally developed by Toshiba, which uses fiber optic cable and pulsed light to send digital audio signals. Support extract audio signals from any HDMI compliant source to digital optical or 3. Taking things back to basics, the best audio interfaces.

Cable Optic Fiber Cord Cable Toslink Cable Audio Optical Digital Easyday for Meter) (3 More & Playstation Xbox, PS4, TV, Bar, Sound Theater, Home.

HDMI vs. optical: Which digital-audio connection to use?

When I first bought my soundbar, connecting it was flawless. In a few minutes, I had finished setting-up the soundbar and started using it. About two weeks ago, I got a call from a friend who had difficulties connecting his soundbar to his television set and needed a little help.

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In the olden days, when dinosaurs ruled the earth, a simple coaxial cable got the job done for all connections. Thankfully, HDMI has taken on the role that coax used to occupy. Alternatively, you can use a fiber optic cable, usually referred to simply as optical. Which one is best? They both transmit multi-channel audio from one device to another. So far, so good.

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How to Connect Soundbar to TV without Optical Cable

HDMI and digital optical audio connection are two of the most common ways to connect a soundbar to a TV. They transmit audio signals without degrading its quality, and could even enhance your listening experience. If you want to connect a soundbar to the TV without HDMI or optical, y ou have two options: go high-tech with a wireless connection or mid-tech with 3. You can also use an auxiliary device to convert coaxial cables to another type of connection. Sometimes, the process of connecting your soundbar to your TV will require a bit of creativity, a dash of mix and match, and sprinkled with a few adjustments. Check out my top picks for soundbars. This connection is similar to the ones that we have in mobile phones and other audio devices.

When hooking up an audio system or sound bar, you generally have to choose an HDMI or optical digital-audio connection. Find out which one is better and why. When it comes time to connect your shiny new sound bar or AV receiver, your two main choices are HDMI or optical digital audio.

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  1. Temman

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  2. Meino

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