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Prior to the Reformation, worship was largely done for the people. The music was performed by professional musicians and sung in an unfamiliar language Latin. The Reformation gave worship back to the people , including congregational singing which employed simple, attainable tunes with solid, scriptural lyrics in the language of the people. Worship once again became participatory. What has occurred could be summed up as the re-professionalization of church music and the loss of a key goal of worship leading — enabling the people to sing their praises to God.

Simply put, we are breeding a culture of spectators in our churches, changing what should be a participative worship environment to a concert event. Worship is moving to its pre-Reformation mess. Click To Tweet. With the release of new songs weekly and the increased birthing of locally-written songs, worship leaders are providing a steady diet of the latest, greatest worship songs. Indeed, we should be singing new songs, but too high a rate of new song inclusion in worship can kill our participation rate and turn the congregation into spectators.

I see this all the time. I advocate doing no more than one new song in a worship service, and then repeating the song on and off for several weeks until it becomes known by the congregation. People worship best with songs they know, so we need to teach and reinforce the new expressions of worship. There are lots of great, new worship songs today, but in the vast pool of new songs, many are not suitable for congregational singing by virtue of their rhythms too difficult for the average singer or too wide of a range consider the average singer—not the vocal superstar on stage.

The people we are leading in worship generally have a limited range and do not have a high range. When we pitch songs in keys that are too high, the congregation will stop singing, tire out, and eventually quit, becoming spectators. Remember that our responsibility is to enable the congregation to sing their praises, not to showcase our great platform voices by pitching songs in our power ranges.

The basic range of the average singer is an octave and a fourth from A to D more. If our music is too loud for people to hear each other singing, it is too loud. Conversely, if the music is too quiet, generally, the congregation will fail to sing out with power. Find the right balance—strong, but not over-bearing. I am a strong advocate of setting a great environment for worship including lighting, visuals, inclusion of the arts, and much more.

However when our environments take things to a level that calls undue attention to those on stage or distracts from our worship of God, we have gone too far. Excellence — yes. Highly professional performance — no. As worship leaders, we often get so involved in our professional production of worship that we fail to be authentic, invite the congregation into the journey of worship, and then do all we can to facilitate that experience in singing familiar songs, new songs introduced properly, and all sung in the proper congregational range.

With the availability of so many new songs, we often become haphazard in our worship planning, pulling songs from so many sources without reinforcing the songs and helping the congregation to take them on as a regular expression of their worship. In the old days, the hymnal was that repository. Today, we need to create song lists to use in planning our times of worship. Keep the melody clear and strong. The congregation is made up of sheep with limited ranges and limited musical ability.

When we stray from the melody to ad lib, the sheep try to follow us and end up frustrated and quit singing. We often get caught up in our world of amazing music production and lose sight of our purpose of helping the congregation to voice their worship.

Let them know you expect them to sing. Quote the Bible to promote their expressions of worship. Stay alert to how well the congregation is tracking with you and alter course as needed.

Once worship leaders regain the vision of enabling the congregation to be participants in the journey of corporate worship, I believe we can return worship to the people once again. Join with thousands worldwide who have gone through this training in live events or online. Your email address will NOT be used for any other purpose. A frequent worship clinician and guest worship leader. Extensive work in worship renewal in several Asian countries.

A congregation that sings REAL music will actually…sing. I attended such a church until an insecure pastor fired the Director of Music — the director had exquisite taste in music.

The choir was large 60 people and the congregation loved to sing. Ever since the jealous pastor got his way, the choir has shrunk to 25 people and the singing in church is anemic, at best. Hire professionals to do what professionals do — choose good music and lead that music in worship. Hire professional musicians, not a praise band or anything related to that sort of thing.

Get a hymnal that contains well-chosen, well-written music. The Episcopal Hymnal is a good one. Some colleges have published hymnals as well that are very good. Most of all, the pastor needs to get out of the way of good music. Pastors tend to be very immature in their musical knowledge and taste. Let the professional musicians do their jobs. Let the singers do their jobs. I totally agree with the points discussed here.

As a member of one of the Christian Churches in Houston, I really think that there is a need to inspire others during worship. Singing is an honest way of showing devotion and respect to God. Our efforts here is really important so we can pour our hears into prayer.

I agree with this article. When you attend service, you really have to worship wholeheartedly. I give my effort each time I visit black churches in Houston and really get caught in the moment and in the presence of God. Hundreds of churches have learned about this and those churches are mostly healthy and growing. When it comes to sound and acoustics, we should follow what the Bible teaches and stop building structures as the secular community has been designing them for us for years.

Church sound has a huge impact on the church and that impact has been a contributing cause of church attendance decline. How many times has a pastor said one thing, people heard something else and the fighting begins. King David said that the Hand of God was upon him when designing the temple. What was so important about this design for God to get involved. If the temple was so sacred, then why did God allow it to be destroyed? Perhaps it was because there was a second purpose for it. Why are there so many details about it, which if they had no purpose, how did they get preserved all this time?

All we had to do was put it all together. It was learned behavior and viewed as a form of encouragement. I wonder how my Heavenly Father views it? The pastor is the worship leader, for music and singing are only part of what worship is. The opening words of the worship service are worship, so are the Bible readings there has to be at least one , the prayers, the offering, and when possible, the sacraments.

These are not the only possible elements of worship. Hymns and psalms and spiritual songs are important — and they are important chiefly as a way for the people to praise, thank, honor, and submit to the Lord. The task of those who lead worship is to direct the thoughts and hearts of the congregation to the living God — who he is and what he has done. It is not the task of those who lead worship — and especially not the task of those who lead the musical aspect of worship — to engender in the people a particular emotion.

If the Lord is expounded through his Word and sacraments, through the prayers and music, then the Lord will enable the people to do business with him in a real way. I went to a great church growing up until I moved after college. To this day 30 year old me will not sing in church. I also wont do karaoke in front of a crowd if that means anything to the subject.

Scripture in Hebrew and Greek and in English clearly illustrate that these have separate and distinctly different meanings. The church of today confuses the two, and this confusion only leads to more confusion. Worship is actually surrender, and surrender is never fun.

When we substitute praise for worship, we loose. I invite you to research this, and you will see. Thank you for this distinction. When a contemporary worship service was added at the local church, my sense was it is something totally different from liturgical worship and that the two should not be viewed as interchangeable.

I like songs where the author took the time to make the words rhyme. Many of the new songs seem like stream of consciousness. The music also sounds as if not much effort was invested in coming up with it. Music needs to be catchy, so that we find ourselves singing it throughout the day.

In response to Charles comment, coming from a worship leader perspective, all I can say is as leaders we try to make the music easy to remember in order to sing along and participate as a whole in the congregation. There are lyrical and musical master pieces that will move you to tear up or fall on your knees and praise God from the likes of Casting Crowns, Chris Tomlin and such.

Although music, just like social economic status is all relative to the individuals own perception. Not everyone is musical, but they are capable of following hymns that repeat themselves. We are not on the stage to bring attention to ourselves but to help facilitate the congregation to sing and praise together as one from the heart.

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The ASCAP Foundation partners with The Kennedy Center to present young songwriters and composers discussing and performing their songs.

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The President just finished his eulogy of his dear friend and colleague, Senator Edward M. The full remarks are below. Kennedy, Kara, Edward, Patrick, Curran, Caroline, members of the Kennedy family, distinguished guests, and fellow citizens:. Today we say goodbye to the youngest child of Rose and Joseph Kennedy. The world will long remember their son Edward as the heir to a weighty legacy; a champion for those who had none; the soul of the Democratic Party; and the lion of the U. Senate — a man whose name graces nearly one thousand laws, and who penned more than three hundred himself. But those of us who loved him, and ache with his passing, know Ted Kennedy by the other titles he held: Father. Ted Kennedy was the baby of the family who became its patriarch; the restless dreamer who became its rock. This spirit of resilience and good humor would see Ted Kennedy through more pain and tragedy than most of us will ever know.

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Note: This page is continually updated as new transcripts become available. If you cannot find a specific segment, check back later.

Nine Reasons People Aren’t Singing in Worship

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Prior to the Reformation, worship was largely done for the people. The music was performed by professional musicians and sung in an unfamiliar language Latin. The Reformation gave worship back to the people , including congregational singing which employed simple, attainable tunes with solid, scriptural lyrics in the language of the people. Worship once again became participatory.

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