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Watts to kw converter calculator

Type in size. Values are shown to. Caution NO guarantee as to the accuracy of these values is given. And they should be checked against some other source. The SI unit of power is the watt [symbol W] which is a rate of 1 joule per second.


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Amps To Watts Calculator

Random converter. Power in physics is the ratio of work to time. Here, work refers to the amount of force F needed to move a body along the distance s. It could also be defined as the speed of energy transfer. Power is measured in joules per second, or watts. Along with watts, horsepower as a unit is also used. Until the invention of engines, power was not measured formally, and there were no units associated with it. After the steam engine was invented, James Watt, an inventor and engineer, worked on improving it and on making it more efficient.

Power is one indicator of efficiency — if a given engine is modified and its power output increases, so does its efficiency. To show the efficiency of the improved engine Watt suggested horsepower as a unit of power. Until the invention of engines, humans relied mainly on human and animal manual labor, so it was natural for Watt to compare the power output of the new steam engine with the power of horses, especially because not every mine where he marketed his steam engine used technology; some used only horses.

Thus, having a standardized measure was useful for comparing the power output between different engines and horses. This measure was later used for other machines such as automobiles. Watt measured this unit of power by observing and evaluating the work of draft horses in a mill.

One horsepower is equivalent to watts. It is now believed that horses are not capable of working at this capacity for a long period of time, but the unit stays unchanged. Even though watts as a unit have existed nearly as long as horsepower, the latter is more commonly used in the automobile industry. Household appliances generally have their power indicated on them.

Light fixtures sometimes allow only light bulbs of or below a certain power, for example, 60 watts. This is because light bulbs with greater power may damage the lamp or the fixture due to the heat they produce. In household lighting, this problem may be solved by using lamps that are not incandescent, as those generally consume considerably less power for the same brightness output.

Most manufacturers are working on improving the efficiency of appliances, as well as light bulbs. The brightness or luminosity of a light bulb depends on power and the type of bulb. It is measured in lumens. Below is a comparison of the power of different light sources for home use, with luminous power information. It is evident from the comparison above that the LEDs require less power, thus they are more efficient in operation.

A unit price for an LED light is still high compared to incandescent lights, but over the long-term use, it is cost-efficient. Some countries implemented or are planning to implement a ban on incandescent lights because of their low energy efficiency. The power of household appliances differs by the maker and the model and they have different power while performing different types of work, but here are some examples of average and approximate values. Machines are not the only objects that can be evaluated through power.

Work produced by animals and humans can be measured using power. For example, the power of an athlete throwing a basketball can be calculated by finding the force, with which she propels the ball for a given distance and the time during which she completes this work. For example, this calculator shows that a person cm tall and weighing 70 kg will produce a power output of Some athletes use special devices for these calculations, record their performance with respect to power output, and then analyze it to determine the effectiveness of their workout program.

Power can be measured by a special device, a dynamometer. Dynamometers can also measure torque and force. They can have a range of applications, from engineering to the medical field. For example, dynamometers can help measure and evaluate the power output of engines. There are two types of dynamometers, the engine, and the chassis type.

Engine dynamometers can only work with engines, taken out of the vehicle or machine, but they are more accurate.

Chassis ones can be used more easily, but are less accurate and more expensive. Dynamometers can also be used to calculate the strength of people for sports or medical reasons. They are usually the isokinetic type. An isokinetic dynamometer consists of an exercise machine with sensors, connected to a computer.

It measures the strength of different muscle groups. Along with the overall measurements for the body, they can measure the power output for specific muscle groups. They can be programmed to provide warnings when a given power threshold is exceeded. This is useful for people with injuries undergoing rehabilitation, or for those who want to carefully monitor their exercise routines. According to some theories of exercise, the biggest performance improvement happens at a certain range of stimuli for a given individual.

When the exercise is too easy, there is no improvement, and when the exercise is too difficult, the athlete may have poor performance due to overstraining. For exercises that depend on the environment, such as cycling and swimming, it is difficult to measure the stimulus, because one has to consider various environmental aspects such as the effect of wind or the conditions of the ground or water on the strain, produced by exercise.

Power is one of the easiest ways to measure this stimulus by tracking the response of the athlete to the stimulus with a dynamometer; therefore it is a useful concept in exercise. This article was written by Kateryna Yuri. Converter of Units of Information and Data Storage. Do you have difficulty translating a measurement unit into another language?

Help is available! Post your question in TCTerms and you will get an answer from experienced technical translators in minutes. In the SI system, power is measured in watts W. One horsepower is equivalent to 33, foot-pounds per minute, or the power required to lift pounds by one foot in one second, and is equivalent to about watts.

Electric power is defined as the amount of work done by an electric current, or the rate at which electrical energy is transmitted. The SI unit of electric power is the watt.

This online unit converter allows quick and accurate conversion between many units of measure, from one system to another. The Unit Conversion page provides a solution for engineers, translators, and for anyone whose activities require working with quantities measured in different units. Learn Technical English with Our Videos! You can use this online converter to convert between several hundred units including metric, British and American in 76 categories, or several thousand pairs including acceleration, area, electrical, energy, force, length, light, mass, mass flow, density, specific volume, power, pressure, stress, temperature, time, torque, velocity, viscosity, volume and capacity, volume flow, and more.

Note: Integers numbers without a decimal period or exponent notation are considered accurate up to 15 digits and the maximum number of digits after the decimal point is In this calculator, E notation is used to represent numbers that are too small or too large. E-notation is commonly used in calculators and by scientists, mathematicians and engineers.

We work hard to ensure that the results presented by TranslatorsCafe. However, we do not guarantee that our converters and calculators are free of errors. Terms and Conditions. If you have noticed an error in the text or calculations, or you need another converter, which you did not find here, please let us know! Mobile View. Alexa Rank. Terms and Conditions Privacy Policy. Unit Converter Convert units of measurement easily! This site will not work properly because your browser does not support JavaScript!

It can pull 12 cars with passengers. One LED consumes approximately mW. A chassis dynamometer can measure torque and power delivered by the power train of a vehicle. Compact Calculator Full Calculator Unit definitions. Common Unit Converters Length, mass, volume, area, temperature, pressure, energy, power, speed and other popular measurement unit converters.

Power Converter In physics, power is the rate at which work is performed or energy is transferred. Using the Power Converter Converter This online unit converter allows quick and accurate conversion between many units of measure, from one system to another. One LED consumes approximately mW Residential split system air conditioners: 20—40 kilowatts Window air conditioners: 1—2 kilowatts Ovens: 2. Dynamometers Power can be measured by a special device, a dynamometer.

A chassis dynamometer can measure torque and power delivered by the power train of a vehicle Dynamometers can also be used to calculate the strength of people for sports or medical reasons.

KW to KVA & Watts Conversion Calculator Online

Random converter. Power in physics is the ratio of work to time. Here, work refers to the amount of force F needed to move a body along the distance s. It could also be defined as the speed of energy transfer. Power is measured in joules per second, or watts.

To convert a watt measurement to a kilowatt measurement, divide the power by the conversion ratio. The power in kilowatts is equal to the watts divided by.

Power Calculator

You can use this kilowatt to amperes converter. Below you will find 3 examples of a kW to Amps conversion for:. The electrical circuit can provide V voltage. How many amps does the 4 kW AC unit draw? Most washing machines draw about 1, W or 1 kW of electrical power. Here is how many amps it draws:. Tankless water heaters are notorious for needing a huge amount of electrical current amps. For example, you have 9 kW, 18 kW, 27 kW, and even 36 kW tankless water heaters that run on electricity. Usually, they run on V and can reach up to amps. As you can see, 36 kW converts to amps.

Power Converter

watts to kw converter calculator

Disclaimer: Every time, it comes to electric and power calculations, it is a good idea to get advice from an expert for your specific situation. The calculations on this web page are for general estimations only. This power is the union of real power and another component that is the reactive power; these powers are what give rise to the Kilovolt-ampere and generate the operation of the inductive equipment. The first step is to locate the data in the technical data sheets of the equipment; the data to look for are the Kilowatts and the power factor. The power factor can vary according to the datasheet, the power factor can vary from 0.

With the following tool, you can generate and print the kilowatts to joules per second reference table based on your own needs.

power units conversion

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1 watt (W) = 0.0010 kilowatts (kW)

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Watts Amps Volts Calculator for Android devices, calculate and convert to or from electrical units single (1) phase and three (3) phase calculations.

How to convert BHP to kilowatts

Convert kilowatts to horsepower kW to hp , please type the kilowatts value, select the precision value and press the convert button below. You can enter an integer or a decimal kW value. After the kW conversion completed, the horsepower value displayed below with kilowatts and hp values. Both kilowatts kW and horsepower hp are two common units of measuring power.

Power and Heat Flow Rate Conversion Calculator

RELATED VIDEO: Btu To Kw Calculation Formula, Calculate British Thermal Unit To Kilo Watts, In English

Calculating watts from amps or volts is easy. It simply takes a few steps. Generally, a household has three different types of appliances, and ACUPWR can offer a unit conversion technique for each of them. If you need calculations for single phase devices, then real power in watts will be given in terms of a power factor PF multiplied by the root-mean-square voltage multiplied by the phase current. For example: You need a transformer for appliance that is rated as 0. Power in watts is calculated by multiplying the square root of three by the power factor, the current in amps, and the line-to-line RMs voltage in volts.

There are times it is important to know how many kilowatts kW or watts a piece of heating or cooling equipment is using when all you know is the BTU output of the unit.

Watts to Kilowatt-Hours (kWh) Electrical Conversion Calculator

You can calculate Watts using the relationship between Amps, Volts and Watts. Find out how to convert Watts to Amps here or how to calculate Ohm's Law here. Amps measure the flow of electricity as an electric current. You should think of electric current as the flow of water through a hosepipe. The more water flowing through the hosepipe, the stronger the current is.

Convert watts to kilowatts - Power / Electricity Conversions

Using this simple watt to kilowatt hour calculator you can easily convert watt to kilowatt hours, all you have to do is enter the wattage, operational hours and kilowatt hour is calculated. Watt W — Watt is the unit of power. In simple terms watt indicates the rate at which a device consumes power.

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  1. Seorus

    Wonderful, useful thing

  2. Faujas

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  3. Antinous

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