20 meter ham transceiver speakers
Weak stations roll in with surprising clarity, faithfully reproduced by MFJ transceivers signal conversion receiver. Take world class DX performance along on your next vacation or business trip -- the MFJ transceiver, microphone, power supply, and antenna can easily fit into your brief case or carry-on bag. Here is what you get Simple Operation: No microprocessor mumbo-jumbo - you will have it operating in minutes! Truly portable: Smallest rig of its kind! Transceiver and accessories easily fit in a small bag. Great Sensitivity: Features a quiet double balanced mixer front-end, single conversion clarity and plenty of gain.
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Amateur Radio Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for amateur radio enthusiasts. It only takes a minute to sign up. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. I installed it recently and having the speaker more than an inch away from the radio's mounting surface is great. Is there something that makes amateur radio speakers better or different than any other kind of unpowered speaker of equivalent wattage and impedance? They could be somehow designed to be best at reproducing the frequencies important to intelligible speech, as opposed to a broader but overall lower frequency response or dynamic range for music, and you will see such claims but I don't know how true they are.
Is there a common term for such speakers? I've tried searching for "4-ohm mono speaker", but all I've been able to find are guides on how to get pick or install stereo speakers. Is there a good reason I couldn't purchase something like this and expect it to work if I attach a mono audio cable to it? No, you should feel free to use any speaker of suitable impedance. Of course, that is just a driver without an enclosure, so technically it is not a complete speaker.
Note that in a mobile installation an important characteristic is whether you can get it loud enough to be heard over road noise without causing distortion. This will be affected by the impedance and efficiency of the speakers. A speaker that is poorly designed may not get loud enough without distorting or rattling! They can make the difference between either hearing the other station clearly or straining to hear and missing part of the conversation.
But we don't need "special" speakers , that may be expensive and not even be very good. The sound from the small tinny-sounding speaker in the top cover of that IC under the monitor kept me from hearing the people that I was ragchewing with on HF SSB.
So, I added those speakers, 1 , 2 , and 3. They are all connected to my transceiver. The same would be true for narrow-band FM signals. Speakers 1 and 2 are older Altec Lansing computer speakers. Even though they were not intended for amateur radio, they sound great and I highly recommend them!
Get some computer speakers and try them. Speaker 3 is an older Am-Comm Inc. Most of the time, the digital noise filter is off, but it still adds a few highs that the computer speakers lack. Am-Com has since been acquired by another company which added several adjustable levels of digital noise filtering that made it an even better speaker so others have told me. This page on one of my websites explains the frequency ranges that are important for us to hear weak voice signals that are almost buried in the noise.
There are already two answers posted with good information but here is a little bit more information to help with your selection process. Matching the impedance of the speaker to the speaker impedance range specified for the audio amplifier the transceiver in your case is important in order to ensure a maximum power transfer from your radio to your ear.
An improper impedance can also introduce distortion and potentially instability in a marginally designed amplifier. This is an indication of how efficiently the speaker converts electrical power to acoustic power. It specifically is the sound pressure level measured at 1 meter from the speaker with 1 watt of excitation applied. The result is generally expressed in dB form.
In general for a common speaker design, the larger the speaker, the greater the SPL. A higher SPL indicates a more efficient speaker.
This can be important for hearing the subtleties within the sound source as a lower SPL can render low level sounds as imperceptible. The frequency range of the speaker indicates what frequencies the speaker will reasonably reproduce. This area of characterization lacks standardization so often a close inspection of data sheets are in order to make comparisons.
The general bass, mid range, and tweeter components used in audiophile systems are examples of speakers that are optimized for specific frequency ranges. The frequency range required for a specific amateur radio application depends upon the modulation mode.
An standard SSB voice will be faithfully reproduced in a to Hertz range. A CW signal can be used with a much narrower frequency range signal based on the preferred side tone frequency of the operator.
Some deficiencies in frequency response can be overcome with a parametric equalizer added to the amplifier chain. It should also be noted that a speaker with too large of a frequency range may prove annoying as it will be more prone to reproduce noise that is accompanying the desired signal.
The speaker enclosure can have a dramatic effect on the frequency response and in some cases, the effective SPL of the speaker. A common example of this is acoustic dampening within the enclosure. Wool will generally modify the mid range frequencies while felt will modify the low end frequencies.
Other methods effectively alter the geometry of the enclosure for certain frequencies. Examples of this includes porting and acoustic foam. You will find a great deal of subjective and objective information on this topic on various audiophile sites.
From an amateur radio perspective, the enclosure may also play a role in keeping RFI out of the amplifier chain. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams?
Learn more. Is there a special term for amateur transceiver speakers or anything that makes them different from any other kind of speaker? Ask Question. Asked 4 years ago.
Active 4 years ago. Viewed times. Improve this question. William William 1 1 gold badge 6 6 silver badges 16 16 bronze badges. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Some may have audio filters, headphone jacks, or other such application-specific features.
Improve this answer. You might want to read up on DIY speaker design before making an enclosure. Not my field so I don't know how much it will matter for this application. A sock would give you less. And a problem in general is the phase of the rear-pointing wave which starts out inverted — if you do redirect it forward you don't want cancellation at important frequencies.
Having said that , I have some really cheap ones without any, that might even be better than those old Altec-Lansings which I bought years ago at a yard sale that came with a subwoofer not needed! Nothing beats headphones. Mine are military surplus, and are perfect for communications, much better than hi-fi stereo music phones, earbuds, etc.
Show 3 more comments. But good communications-style headphones are better than any speakers for hearing the weak ones! Impedance Matching the impedance of the speaker to the speaker impedance range specified for the audio amplifier the transceiver in your case is important in order to ensure a maximum power transfer from your radio to your ear.
Frequency Range The frequency range of the speaker indicates what frequencies the speaker will reasonably reproduce. Enclosure Design The speaker enclosure can have a dramatic effect on the frequency response and in some cases, the effective SPL of the speaker.
The actual output impedance of the amplifier will be much lower than that. I will edit my answer to clarify. I actually thought you were supposed to match impedences of speakers, too. Thanks for the answer. Show 1 more comment. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password. Post as a guest Name. Email Required, but never shown. Featured on Meta.
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While the situation surrounding COVID is still variable for the school year, the Amateur Radio Club will still be hosting numerous exciting speakers! To allow for students to participate, we will be meeting on Zoom and in-person. We will have presentations on interesting topics related to amateur radio each month, as well as other meetings related to other activities as needed. Everyone is welcome to join us at our club meetings. Some updates from the year can be found below:.
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Have you searched and searched for a good speaker for your ham radio? That perfect speaker that would let you hear voices through the noise and static without hiss? If you are like me, then you answered yes. There are several speakers on the market designed for communications. A lot of us long time operators use a good set of headphones to hear those weak signals, or to just enjoy the clean crisp audio of the strong signals. Headphones are probably the best for this purpose, but they can get annoying after wearing them for a while. I was using a small but good quality bookshelf speaker designed for lower powered stereo systems. So I decided to start looking at what the ham dealers had to offer. It had nice specs and a lot of good reviews.
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Beep beep! Going mobile. Installing a ham radio mobile station in an automobile is often the next step for many hams following the establishment of a home station or perhaps as the upgrade from an HT. A ham radio mobile installation greatly expands the utility of amateur radio and increases the opportunity of time to get on the air.
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QRZ Forums. I have a Yaesu HF radio and was interested in putting in some bookshelf speakers to use instead of the speaker on the radio itself. Does anyone have any suggestions on what to use and the connection that I need from the speaker to the radio? I use speakers harvested from one of the local thrift stores, they sound better than the speaker in the radio and can be put up out of the way where the sound can fill the room. If you need to make up a cable to hook the speaker to your radio it is just as eas yto head over to radio shack and buy a pre made cable and modify it as necessary to connect the speaker to your radio.
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