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Constant amplitude rf amplifier modules

The LZY-1 features low compression and low harmonic distortion at 25 watts, which make it ideally suited to a wide variety of applications. The conservative electrical and thermal design and careful attention to semiconductor ratings insures continued years of service in both the laboratory and many commercial and semi-hostile military environments. The workmanship, quality, and attention to protective features along with selection of components to COTS commercial off-the-shelf guidelines, further enhance applicability and long MTTF. The LZY-1 is supplied with its own high thermal efficiency heat sink and ball bearing cooling fan for immediate use and reliable operation.


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IQ Modulation- Solution Note

The LZY-1 features low compression and low harmonic distortion at 25 watts, which make it ideally suited to a wide variety of applications. The conservative electrical and thermal design and careful attention to semiconductor ratings insures continued years of service in both the laboratory and many commercial and semi-hostile military environments.

The workmanship, quality, and attention to protective features along with selection of components to COTS commercial off-the-shelf guidelines, further enhance applicability and long MTTF. The LZY-1 is supplied with its own high thermal efficiency heat sink and ball bearing cooling fan for immediate use and reliable operation.

Operation of the amplifier module without proper heat sinking is not recommended and violates the warranty. The LZY-1 was designed to satisfy a range of broad, and narrow-band multitone or single frequency applications for original equipment, production test and laboratory equipment uses. Typical broadband small and large signal gain and return loss responses are shown in Figures 1 and 2. Comparison of the curves and gain data at the measurement points illustrates the dynamic linearity of the LZY-1 across the frequency range.

The mechanical outline drawing, mechanical specifications and heat sink mounting details are shown in Figure 4. The unit contains a factory set control for automatic power output foldback to protect internal components from RF input overdrive damage. Foldback action takes place when the input drive level causes the output power to exceed a threshold. This threshold can vary from 55 watts to watts depending on the input signal frequency. No damage will occur to the amplifier under any of these output power levels.

At threshold, the output power begins to drop. As input drive level is increased, the output power turns down to a low level, safeguarding the amplifier components. At input drive levels below the threshold, the overdrive protection circuit is inactive and does not affect amplifier performance.

The unit will perform within the limits of the specifications of Table 1. The LZY-1 has an automatic built-in thermal shutoff feature. The amplifier is factory mounted on the heat sink using a thin film of thermal grease between the RF module and the heat sink mounting surface.

See paragraph 7. The combination of heat sink design and cooling air velocity results in a very efficient thermal resistance 0. The LZY-1 is protected against damage from improper connection of the supply voltage by incorporating a diode in series with the positive VDC terminal. This protection circuit is connected to the transistor bias regulator supply and limits clamps those transients that would normally pass through the regulator and damage the transistors.

The LZY-1 has a separate EMI-Filtered shutoff terminal and a corresponding ground terminal for use with an external remote shutoff circuit. The nominal RF power output of 25 watts is reduced by 50 dB minimum within 20 milliseconds when the shut off terminal is grounded.

The voltage present at the shutoff terminal open circuited is approximately 11 volts. When grounded, the series current is less than 11 mA. The LZY-1 heat sink is a high thermal efficiency heat sink that, when used with the 4 inch CFM fan, results in a thermal resistance of 0.

See paragraph 4. The fan is mounted to an optimally designed plenum on the heat sink for minimum air turbulence. The fan is protected by a fan guard. The LZY-1 amplifier alone weighs less than 1. The following performance characteristics are those generally expected from the LZY-1 under the conditions stated for each application. The versatility of the LZY-1 ultra-linear amplifier is denoted in each of these applications for AM, FM, Pulse, Multi-Carrier and other signal formats and modulation schemes common to the communications bands which form part of the 20 MHz to MHz frequency spectrum.

The suggested performance is provided to the user as a guideline which makes the LZY-1 ideal for a variety of driver or output amplifiers in many equipment. Specific results may vary under different conditions. The LZY-1 will typically produce a minimum of 32 watts CW or higher and is limited only by the overdrive threshold limits set by the input signal frequency as described in paragraph 4.

The LZY-1 is ideal for linear pulse or pulse train amplification to faithfully reproduce a pulse signature to the 20 to 30 watt peak power level. The pulse width and duty cycle is not limited at these power levels because of the Class A amplifier operation.

IMD under these conditions are typically dBc or better. The LZY-1 can reproduce video, sound and color burst carriers on a composite TV signal with minimal sync clipping for levels up to 5 watts average.

In these cases, the user can remove the RF Linear Amplifier module from the factory supplied heat sink by disconnecting the wires between the cooling fan and the module then removing the four mounting screws holding the module to the heat sink.

See Paragraph 4. Depending on the approach to cooling, alternative methods may increase or decrease the thermal resistance of that interface resulting in operation of the amplifier at a lower or higher temperature rise above ambient. A qualified Engineer or Technician should be responsible to design and evaluate the alternative Heat Sinking method. Certificates of compliance are available. RF performance data is recorded and inspected for conformance within the limits set forth in Table 1.

Currently, each unit is subjected to a DC burn-in test for 72 hours with the input and output ports terminated in 50 ohms. This is a worst case condition for the amplifier since, when terminated, the DC power dissipated in the amplifier circuitry exceeds the amount dissipated when RF power is being generated. DC burn-in testing will continue at our discretion until sufficient history is generated to reduce or eliminate this test. Figure 3 illustrates the test position set up used to perform acceptance testing on the LZY-1 for the majority of the performance parameters specified in Table 1.

The test equipment required to perform the acceptance tests is detailed in Table 2. In the event any item of test equipment is unavailable, substitution of equivalent equipment is suggested. All test equipment should be turned on 30 minutes prior to start of test.

All LZY-1 amplifiers are warranted to be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of one year from date of shipment. This warranty does not cover the conditions of physical abuse or operation beyond the specification limits delineated in Table 1.

Our website uses cookies. By continuing to use this website, you consent to cookies being used. Find out how we manage cookies. Figure 4 - Mechanical Outline Drawing. Table 2: Acceptance Test Setup Equipment. Tools and Resources. Quality and Compliance.


The last stage in a transmitter path is the power amplifier PA. No more signal processing takes place after the PA, thus putting stringent demands on the PA. Furthermore, efficient RF PAs are highly desirable in battery-operated systems, since PAs typically dominate the power consumption of the system. Unable to display preview. Download preview PDF. Skip to main content.

Receiver amplification is distributed between RF and IF stages throughout the system, and an ideal amplifier increases the desired signal amplitude without.

Innovative Theoretical Approaches Used for RF Power Amplifiers in Modern HDTV Systems

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Making Sense of RF Output Power

constant amplitude rf amplifier modules

Albaloy: A plating finish comprised primarily of copper, tin and zinc which provides good electrical performance, but unlike silver, albaloy is highly resistant to tarnish. Being non-magnetic, it also provides excellent passive intermodulation PIM performance comparable to silver. Amplifier: An active device where a signal is fed to the input of the amplifier and an amplified, higher power level, signal of the same frequency as the input signal, exists the amplifier. A measure of how much the signal was amplified is called the amplifier gain. Amplitude Balance: The maximum peak-to-peak amplitude difference in dB between the output ports of a power divider or hybrid coupler over the specified frequency range.

The first step is to measure the frequency and amplitude of the oscillation. Use the internal triggering of an oscilloscope to stabilize the waveform.

Module 1.1

Effective date : Year of fee payment : 4. Year of fee payment : 8. Year of fee payment : An envelope tracking radio frequency RF power amplifier having an adaptive envelope signal processing circuit is disclosed. An RF input voltage is sampled by the adaptive envelope signal processing circuit which provides control signals to the power supply which supplies voltages to RF power devices in order to simultaneously satisfy two operating conditions: a provide best possible efficiency of the power amplifier stages depending on the input signal characteristics and b provide compensation for RF transistor AM-AM and AM-PM distortion compensation across the power range.

50w rf power amplifier

This power level is only achieved with the specified operating voltage of The circuit presented here makes amplitude modulation possible, and it also has the significant advantage that it replaces the somewhat exotic and quite expensive OPAP output opamp with a standard type. Utilizing GaAs technology, this RF amplifier provides higher linearity, rugged design and better efficiency performance versus silicon-based amplifiers. Low intermodulation distortion makes this unit perfect for digital or analog broadcast television. Inquiry Basket. Tube dissipation was planned below 50W, at an anode voltage of 1. Build your own RF Power Amplifier.

The first step is to measure the frequency and amplitude of the oscillation. Use the internal triggering of an oscilloscope to stabilize the.

On Distortion in Digital Microwave Power Amplifiers

In RF testing, the output power level of signal generators is an important factor as they need to maintain spectral purity and level accuracy. The automatic leveling control ALC and various combinations of attenuators determine the power range of signal generators. The International System of Units defines the watt W as a unit of power — one watt is one joule per second and is used to quantify the rate of energy transfer.

Amplification using amplitude reconstruction of amplitude and/or angle modulated carrier

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Effective date : The present invention, generally speaking, provides for high-efficiency power control of a high-efficiency e. In one embodiment, the spread between a maximum frequency of the desired modulation and the operating frequency of a switch-mode DC-DC converter is reduced by following the switch-mode converter with an active linear regulator. The linear regulator is designed so as to control the operating voltage of the power amplifier with sufficient bandwidth to faithfully reproduce the desired amplitude modulation wave-form. The linear regulator is further designed to reject variations on its input voltage even while the output voltage is changed in response to an applied control signal.

The Web This site. Any amplifier is said to have certain parameters.

US20060293003A1 - High-efficiency modulating RF amplifier - Google Patents

The present invention combines three amplitude reconstruction techniques and implements the amplitude reconstruction modulator digitally. The present invention relates to the field of signal amplification; more particularly, the present invention relates to high power, low distortion amplification of an input comprising a single amplitude modulated carrier or a composite signal comprising multiple modulated carriers. A need exists to amplify signals comprising a single modulated carrier or a composite signal comprising several modulated carriers to high power levels for use in wireless communication base stations. The characteristics of the input signal require a high degree of linearity to substantially reduce and in some cases minimize distortion artifacts from appearing at the amplified output. In the RF frequency domain, standard high power amplifiers typically do not possess sufficient linearity to amplify either the single amplitude modulated RF signals nor the composite multiple RF carrier signals to meet stringent wireless base station requirements. Non-linear distortion products from such amplifiers can occur at the output in the form of spectral spreading or spectral regrowth of the modulated carriers or in spurious in band intermodulation products in the case of multiple RF carriers.

20-1500MHz RF Amplifier Board Microwave Amplifier Module High Gain Constant Gain RF Amplifier

An amplifier , electronic amplifier or informally amp is an electronic device that can increase the power of a signal a time-varying voltage or current. It is a two-port electronic circuit that uses electric power from a power supply to increase the amplitude of a signal applied to its input terminals, producing a proportionally greater amplitude signal at its output. The amount of amplification provided by an amplifier is measured by its gain : the ratio of output voltage, current, or power to input. An amplifier is a circuit that has a power gain greater than one.

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