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Council speaker elizabeth de leon

He is a former career employee of the State Department and recipient of numerous performance awards, and has previously served two U. As the first Presidential Envoy for Hostage Affairs between and , he helped establish the office and worked for the safe return of one hundred American citizens. Over the course of his career at the State Department, he has led a large and successful sanctions program and advised on a range of issues, including peace negotiations in Europe, scientific and environmental agreements, and initiatives to investigate and prosecute persons responsible for war crimes. Paul, Minnesota. He is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.


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WATCH RELATED VIDEO: #OnTheDot with Dot and Mia features Elizabeth De Leon-Gamboa on \

Senate Committee Considers Nomination of Assistant Secretary for Administration at HUD

He is generally considered a progressive. Johnson was first elected to the Council as the member for the 3rd district in He has been speaker since In , Johnson announced he was running for mayor of New York City , but he stopped fund-raising in March , and in September withdrew from the race, saying he had been suffering from depression since May and did not think he could campaign and be effective as speaker while monitoring his mental health.

Johnson also proposed New York City's new law banning the use of wild animals and exotic animals in circuses for public entertainment. He has also proposed a bill banning the sale of fur garments and fur accessories. Queerty named Johnson one of the Pride50 for "trailblazing individuals who actively ensure society remains moving towards equality, acceptance and dignity for all queer people.

Johnson was born in Beverly, Massachusetts , and raised in neighboring Middleton , by his mother, Ann Queenan Richardson who worked at a variety of jobs, including at a thrift shop that she founded and manages , and his stepfather, Rodney Richardson the owner of Middleton Tire Service and a truck driver. Johnson made national headlines in when, while co-captain of the Masconomet Regional High School football team, he publicly came out as gay.

Johnson spent less than one month at George Washington University before dropping out. In , Johnson was diagnosed as HIV-positive. In , he acknowledged to himself that he had been addicted to alcohol and cocaine for six years and had to stop. In , Christine Quinn ran for mayor of New York City, as her term in the city council was expiring.

The council elected him speaker in January As chair of the Council's Committee on Health, Johnson oversaw hearings on health issues such as the proliferation in the city of synthetic marijuana , also known as K2.

In April , Mayor Bill de Blasio signed into law Johnson's bill prohibiting the use of smokeless tobacco products, such as chewing tobacco , at sports stadiums and arenas that host events that require a ticket for admission.

Will we stop the game? And will the same thing happen to the fans in attendance? That hasn't been identified yet, so we're still waiting to hear that. In Johnson along with others occupied the offices in the U. Capitol of Senate Republicans to protest efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act , and was arrested and zip-tied. In August , the City Council passed legislation introduced by Johnson and Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito to create a city office responsible for the coordination of social and healthcare services for ex-cons who have been released from the New York City Department of Correction system.

In , Johnson sponsored a new law requiring that inmates in New York City jails be provided with free telephone calls. He also called for the police to stop executing bench warrants for failure to appear in court.

Johnson supports making it legal for sex workers to provide sexual services, but not for their clients to be free from criminal prosecution. In Johnson introduced legislation to remove surgical requirements for transgender New Yorkers to change the gender on their birth certificates. In other words, as a religious charity, while we lawfully hire staff who share our Christian beliefs, we do not discriminate in who we serve.

Johnson worked with Council member Elizabeth Crowley in to introduce a set of bills to regulate the sale of pets in New York City, with the purpose of animal rights protection.

The bills regulate breeders, provide for the accounting of animals, and ensure that known animal abusers are unable to obtain animals.

The legislation passed in December. In Johnson introduced legislation mandating that either fire sprinklers or supervision be present in all establishments that house animals for more than 24 hours. Bill de Blasio signed the bill into law in July If this ban happens, the leather industry will be attacked, the meat industry will be attacked.

Are politicians going to tell us what to do, what to wear and what to eat? What is next? Where does it end? And while allowing sale by the tons, in supermarkets and restaurants, of meat The slope is slippery Would they? The bill allows these individuals to bypass extensive intake procedures they already underwent during their first shelter placement. Johnson introduced legislation with Council member Vanessa Gibson to require the NYC Department of Education to report on the use of disciplinary measures in public schools.

The legislation passed in September , and was signed into law the following month. De Blasio signed the legislation into law in February Johnson was the prime sponsor of legislation declaring a housing shortage emergency in , which allowed rent stabilization laws to be extended. In May , the City Council passed Johnson's legislation requiring all heavy-duty vehicles in New York City's fleet to be equipped with sideguards, devices meant to reduce casualties that large trucks at times cause to pedestrians and cyclists.

In response to a growing trend of hotel rooms being converted into luxury condominiums , Johnson introduced legislation to limit the number of condo conversions hotel owners can make. The legislation's goal was to protect jobs in the hotel industry. The City Council passed it in May and it was signed into law the next month. In Johnson supported a ban on plastic straws. In , Johnson began accepting contributions for a potential run for mayor of New York City.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. American politician. This article is about the American politician. For other people with the same name, see Corey Johnson. David February 2, The New York Times. Retrieved December 30, Gotham Gazette. September 24, The Wall Street Journal.

Salem News. July 18, David January 4, Retrieved January 4, Retrieved December 12, Retrieved December 28, The New York Post. January 28, Retrieved February 18, Archived from the original on December 31, Corey Johnson. Retrieved December 23, David Goodman and William Neuman February 15, Retrieved July 29, New York Daily News.

Gay City News. Queens Chronicle. May 27, ISSN CNN Business. Retrieved April 15, David March 23, City Limits. The New York Daily News. Retrieved June 14, Fox News. Instinct Magazine. Retrieved May 7, Retrieved May 5, Retrieved May 10, May 3, Retrieved May 8, Gay Star News.

NY Patch. Metro Weekly. MedPage Today. Hospital, but Not Going Quietly". NBC New York. AP News.

National Endowment for the Arts

The National Council on the Arts advises the Chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts, who also chairs the Council, on agency policies and programs. It reviews and makes recommendations to the Chairman on applications for grants, funding guidelines, and leadership initiatives. The Council was established through the National Arts and Cultural Development Act of , a full year before the federal agency was created by Congressional legislation. The National Foundation on the Arts and Humanities Act of established the National Endowment for the Arts and provided for 26 citizens to serve as advisors to the agency as members of the National Council on the Arts. Members are appointed by the President and approved by the Senate for six-year, staggered terms. Congress has since enacted legislation that reduced the membership of the Council.

View Dominique De Leon's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest Lakes Reporting Initiative and Elizabeth Neuffer Human Rights Reporting Fellowship.

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She spends her time involved in related activities as a well-respected and well-versed resource on PD. She is a consultant and frequent guest lecturer, research advocate for the Parkinson's Foundation, and research volunteer and public policy advocate for mjfox foundation. Maria established www. Sold by: Amazon. Something went wrong. Please try your request again later. Are you an author? Help us improve our Author Pages by updating your bibliography and submitting a new or current image and biography. Learn more at Author Central. Previous page.

Melissa Mark-Viverito Taking Her Time in Appointing Chief of Staff

council speaker elizabeth de leon

The event, scheduled to coincide with the commemoration of Dominican Independence day, recognized the growth of the Dominican population in the United States and their representation in all facets of commerce, civil society and politics. Beginning with sailor and merchant Juan Rodriguez, who arrived to the U. There are now over 1. The White House briefing included opening remarks from U. Secretary of Labor Thomas Perez, the highest ranking government official of Dominican descent.

Elizabeth de Leon Bhargava, nominated by President Joe Biden to be Assistant Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development HUD , collects rent above the average rate from a multimillion-dollar townhouse in Manhattan, New York, while claiming to have worked throughout her career to preserve affordable housing and fight against housing discrimination. Biden announced his nomination of de Leon Bhargava, putting her in the public eye.

Speaker Mark-Viverito Announces Elizabeth De Leon Bhargava As First Deputy Chief Of Staff

It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. Newsletters Want to Report something? Page Content. Patrice Dipuo Moshoeshoe, Galeshewe, Kbly. Mariam 3 Molopo Street, Riviera, Kimberley, , mariam.

54th Annual Lunar New Year Gala Raises Record $500,000 for Critical Social Services

Developed in conjunction with Joomla extensions. Connect with us Twitter Facebook. Two of three citywide elected officials -- the mayor and the comptroller -- are term-limited out of office, as are four of the five borough presidents, and most of the seat City Council. While a lot will change between now and November of , when many races will ultimately be decided, most of the action in heavily-Democratic New York City will be in the Democratic primaries set for June. Any primaries in the Republican Party or other parties will also be in June. This year is also the launch of ranked-choice voting in New York City, for special elections and party primary elections only.

A; B; C; D Alexandra Haas Paciuc President, National Council for the Prevention of Elizabeth Guerrero Adviser, Gender and Governance, UNDP Chile.

The Power of Diversity: Latino 100

He is generally considered a progressive. Johnson was first elected to the Council as the member for the 3rd district in He has been speaker since

In that role, Lillian Wan will serve a nine-year term handling civil cases brought against New York and state-related agencies, Brooklyn Daily Eagle reports. A June 27 panel discussion discussed how the media can better cover child welfare. Read what they had to say here. Joseph Turner is not the only one moving up at Exponents, a New York City-based nonprofit that provides substance abuse treatment and other mental health services. Turner, a former vice president, took on the roll of president and CEO on July 1.

We congratulate the nominees and thank them for appearing here today. We welcome their families and friends in attendance, and watching from home.

Cynthia Petty, St. Jacquelormae Ayson, St. Valery Hanst, St. Friday, May 7th, at AM. Commissioner Jones is assisted by a highly experienced professional staff whose fundamental mission is to make County government work for citizens and improve the communities that we call home. The hospital opened in the fall of and offers comprehensive emergency care, surgical services, maternity care, cardiac services, and a wide variety of ancillary services.

Latinos are a rising force in U. Although New York has yet to elect a Hispanic governor, mayor or U. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a Latina, and she has been floated as a candidate for all three posts. Of course, Latinos are not a monolith.

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