Flamespeaker theros visual spoiler
Two Abzan Midrange decks battled it out in the finals, and Eduardo dos Santos Vieira was the top dog in the end. The two decks are significantly different. Well, that time is over. Soul of Theros is a real card and could be expected to show up in future Abzan lists based on these results.
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No Goblins Allowed
Two Abzan Midrange decks battled it out in the finals, and Eduardo dos Santos Vieira was the top dog in the end. The two decks are significantly different. Well, that time is over. Soul of Theros is a real card and could be expected to show up in future Abzan lists based on these results. The sideboard of the runner up is quite a trip—almost every single card is a one-of and resembles something you might see from a Legacy High Tide or old Survival side board.
Rattleclaw is definitely going to be played during the post- Khans Standard, there is no question about that. There is room for the Phoenix to drop, and I like picking them up for post- Theros Standard play once that happens.
I think there is still room to drop but she could shine eventually. More results need to be seen, but to me, this looks like a quirky combo deck that needs to be playtested quite a lot in order to know the optimal plays.
On the plus side, it is a cheap deck to build. Only the lands and Jeskai Ascendency are rares in the main deck, and Chasm Skulker is the only rare in the sideboard. The second place Abzan Midrange piloted by Justin Porchas was much more straightforward than the fourth place deck that Alexander Lien built.
The story of this tournament is Dredge, which put three people into the Top 16 of the event and was the deck that took down the tournament. This bodes well for its foil price long-term. It is a third-set rare, which means regular copies are already harder to come by than usual. Foils will be even harder to find as time goes on. Looks like they were able to beat their fair share throughout the day. ANT was a fairly typical build that Randolph Gille piloted to a third-place finish.
He made a comment that black discard is really good in Legacy right now, as it helps stop a Treasure Cruise before it happens. Kiki-Jiki also made an appearance in this deck. The version of Lands that made the Top 8 was very grindy.
It probably came in for the mirror match or against other control decks as an additional clock for victory. Tin Fins made the Top 16 of the tournament. First place was taken by Alan Marling piloting Affinity. Affinity has been one of the mainstays of the Modern format since its inception. Second place went to a Temur Midrange deck, which played everything but the Splinter Twin combo.
There are nine islands in the deck, so on average, only about three to four them were on the field at any given time. However, Shackles worked well for Yiwen Song, who was able to take the deck to the finals.
The card is very powerful in the deck, but only two copies were played because if you get too many over the course of a game, eventually they will be uncastable.
We discuss why to get the board game and decide to converse over how you should or should not act while playing this game. Host Angelo Twitter ganksuou. Email [email protected]. Feel free to tell me how great I am in the comments below. Last week, I talked about how to approach a Legacy GP from a finance perspective, but, like everything else in Magic, there is a lot more to it than that. Today is going to be my attempt at trying to explain everything I have learned about Legacy, from the perspective of a player and a… financier?
Wait, is that right? It does not sound right at all. There was a very large stretch of time where Legacy was an irrelevant format, at least in the United States. For years, it was essentially a sanctioned casual format, with cult followings scattered across the country, but not enough competitive level backing to make it a relevant format. It is not inaccurate to say that the rise of Legacy stateside coincided with the beginnings of the SCG Open Series, and savvy players learned to look to European developments, which was at times weeks ahead of American environments most notably, Maverick was a European strategy that later became popular in the US.
Legacy has effectively existed for 10 years, but was only in the public consciousness for half of that. The next two sections will address the format from a player perspective and from a finance perspective—although it may be difficult to understand the former if you skip the latter. Brace yourselves, this is gonna be a long one.
Magic is expensive sometimes, and until you develop time travel, you will be forced to operate within the parameters of our current situation. This, however, does not make getting into Legacy impossible—it just makes it require more work. Trust me, it is worth it. Legacy and Vintage and to a much smaller degree, Modern are fascinating in the sense that there are an overwhelming amount of archetypes in the formats. This causes two things to happen:.
The list I started with was a budget version of a deck called Eva Green, which is essentially a suicide black deck that someone not me named after the actress. While I was fortunate to start out with Goyfs at my disposal, I can also tell you I have not played the card in Legacy in at least two years.
Very few people get into Legacy with one fell swoop of a credit card. What I always tell people who are serious is pick an archetype or strategy that you really like, and dedicate yourself to it sounds like what we talked about in Privileged Perspective 1! If Delver or Infect is your cup of tea, so be it. The absolute most important part is that you put something together, and start playing with it.
You need to start grinding XP! This allows you to start grinding with a known quantity right out of the gate.
So you have a starting deck. You may be playing shock lands instead of duals, but the important part is that you find or help cultivate a local Legacy environment, and you start playing in events. The more you get a feel for these matchups, the more you can tune your deck to more concisely shore up your weaknesses. More than anything, Wasteland is the key to getting into this format. I really, really, really hope we get a more generous printing of this card soon.
You know how good Mono-Red is in Modern because everyone starts at 14 life? Good news! If you want to own sets for personal use, or are able to trade standard cards for them, then these are fine targets, but today I will mostly focus on more volatile options.
Take a little bit of a hit if you have to, but this is the safest thing you can do by far. Know what is and is not on the RL, and make this offer with every store owner you know—most LGSs would rather have fat stacks of Theros mythics than that dual land, anyway.
One thing I should get out of the way now is harp on condition. If you are buying these cards to play, like our friends from the previous section, then buy the most beat-to-hell copies that are still sleeve-playable.
In fact, every big GP I go to, one of the first things I ask dealers during their slow time early Saturday is what super-beat cards they have, and what kind of a deal they can make me. They looked like garbage, but I was still able to trade them away two years later for a healthy gain.
If you are looking to have stuff to sell, however, you probably want as close to mint as you can get. Negotiating condition on anything below NM- on the internet is a pain in the butt, so if you are looking for stuff to sell, target quality condition. Well, it has to either be on the reserved list, or be pre- Mirrodin. While there are some great eternal playables in the newer frames, the added pressures of a Modern reprint limits the long-term potential of many of these. Cabal Therapy is not on the reserved list and is not currently in Modern.
As a fan of the card, this is unfortunate, but as a collector and speculator, this tells me it is safe to move on these, even after the big price jump they made last year.
I like all of them equally, but try to prioritize making sets, since this is a card that gets played as a four-of, and players will want matching sets this avoids giving away free information to opponents. Also, since the only non-foils were from the set printing over a decade ago, those will stay strong with people trying to avoid foils. Cabal Therapy is beyond awful in Commander, which means it is a virtual 0-percent chance of a reprint in one of those supplemental products.
Thanks, Vorthos! The last thing I want to harp on here is something I touched on just a little bit ago—understand what is and is not acceptable by current design standards. So we just broke down the majority of Legacy Finance by evaluating a single card! Now when you want to break down Legacy spec targets, you know the different variables to consider before doing so.
Of course, this is just scratching the surface, so if you want a more in-depth breakdown, let me know in the comments, and we will do another Legacy special again sometime soon.
With the release of the newest Commander decklists, we are greeted with a few potent new cards, but also one of the nicest group of reprints in a sealed deck product in a long time. These walkers will be highly sought after for their uniqueness in the casual format. None of them are playable in Modern, but there has been some interest in Daretti in Legacy and Vintage.
None of these planeswalkers are particularly impressive and will likely not carry huge price tags after release. The new legendary creatures save for the white one, Jazal Goldmane are all really unique and pretty strong build-around commanders. There is a precedent here, and those style commanders tend to be popular and good. The lieutenant cycle is interesting, but I think these three are the most powerful.
One has haste, one has an ability that effectively has haste, and the last has hexproof. The problem with the other two is that they have no way to affect the board before your commander comes onto the battlefield. They are much more just like big-stat sticks than anything else. I think these guys can become staples of their respective decks, but it will take a while for them to become popular.
Keep an eye out for bulk or near-bulk pricing to pick these up after Christmas. These are the standouts for eternal formats. What does all this mean? Not much right now.

Multiverse Set Review: Commander 2019
Alright, guys! This weekend is the Theros Prerelease, and this might be the most important weekend of the entire calendar year Well, aside from the GP, that was sweet! Prerelease weekends are frequently new players' first taste of Magic: the Gathering, and the game only gets stronger if these players decide that they want to keep playing. The first set prerelease in a new block is often one of the largest of the year, so your actions this weekend may have more influence on the Saskatoon Magic community than anything else you do! I don't care if you end up or drop or even…well, don't be , but if the people around you aren't having fun because of how you carry yourself, then it does not matter to me how many packs you win, you're doing it wrong!
Theros Block Cube (372 cards)
The remainder of the leaked Theros: Beyond Death cards have been spoiled by the same source. These appear to be the rest of the common cards in the six or so booster packs the source claimed to have bought at Walgreens in Morrisville, North Carolina. It is being speculated that this is a manufacturer mistake where Throne of Eldraine and Theros: Beyond Death cards are being printed at same place, and they mixed them up. Whether that is true or not, it looks like the source has taken these to his local games shop where they have taken these photos. You can view all the new images below, but we warn you again not to scroll down any further if you wish to save these for the official preview season. All the new cards spoiled since yesterday are highlighted in bold and you can click on the links to go to the individual card pages. Remember you can discuss the set on our Discord server, forums , or simply comment below! Major spoiler warning! Korean gamer in Australia.
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November 26, 4 Comments. I also had some weak draws and ended up going drop. But before I blame everything on bad luck, let me post the pool here and see whether I might have misbuilt it. How would you have built this pool?
Tag: drafting-for-dummies
It is currently Thu Nov 04, pm. Posted: Thu Mar 15, am. Black and White Enchantment R Creatures you control are white. All creatures lose all abilities. Even before adopting the doctrines of his new religion, Tidun had always had very clear-cut distinctions between good and evil. Visual image render.
A Johnny’s Paradise
The concept of one person's junk being another person's treasure is relevant in the world of Magic: the Gathering, and especially relevant to a budget-conscious deck-builder. I always keep an eye out for cards like Necromancer's Stockpile , Military Intelligence , or Mastery of the Unseen : cards that have unique and potent effects and abilities, but for some reason or another do not see much play, which makes their market price low. Unfortunately, power level does not coincide with rarity just take a look at Gray Merchant of Asphodel , Treasure Cruise , or Delver of Secrets. However, for Magic players that may not have the best card evaluation skills, it can serve as a beneficial exercise to open up Gatherer and search for Mythic Rares that don't see a lot of play. In fact, there are many bulk Mythic rares. Bulk Mythic rares hurt me in a special way.
It doesn't untap during its controller's untap step for as long as Deserter's Quarters remains tapped. In Akros, the penalty for running from battle is one night's stay in the Deserter's Quarters. Coveted by mortals. Beholden to neither.
That link to glassdoor was interesting, but not exactly unexpected. The employees are saying the same thing I have been, that wotc is not a tech company and is doing it wrong. Basically every employee that wrote on Glassdoor said they loved working with their favorite games but wotc sucks in all other ways. Every single person involved in decision making for mtgo should be fired, along with all the incompetent programmers. Worth should be fired with prejudice.
Number of Cards: Release Date: June 6, Sunday, April 27, Conspiracy spoilers. Fifty-two of the new cards will be legal in Legacy and Vintage; thirteen cards will not. New draft mechanic and a multiplayer focused booster set. Last chance for analyzing the colors for the prerelease.
Apr 23, - War-Wing Siren. Theros the 62nd expansion for Magic: The Gathering, is the first set in the "Theros" block, and will be released on September 27, Journey Into Nyx Spoiler Season.
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