Harmony h306a amplifier
By Rhoh , February 8, in Amps. Does any body out there know where I can source tubes and a power switch bulb for a Harmony Ha amplifier? Found a pic for that amp. The indicator light seems to be the same as a fender. The bulb is like a 6.
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Did Lectrolab make their own amps?
Login or Sign Up. Logging in Remember me. Log in. Forgot password or user name? Music Electronics Forum. Harmony Ha low output volume. Posts Latest Activity Photos. Page of 2. Filtered by:. Previous 1 2 template Next. Harmony Ha low output volume , AM. I've been working on this one off and on for a while and thought I'd give it another try.
It has very low output volume using several speakers without any real change. I also have switched out tubes both preamp and power and get the same result. I have replace the filter caps and the cathode bypass cap along with the power and cathode resistors. When I first got the amp it had been modified to something I could not make heads or tails of, so using the schematic I've rebuilt it using many new components as the ones that came with the amp were not original nor correct.
The transformers look original. I measure about 8. I am wondering if I have a bad output transformer? I don't have a working scope so I'm unsure how to measure my output from the transformer. Here is the schematic. Thanks for any help. Tags: None. Comment Post Cancel. The Dude.
Follow the signal chain. It should become apparent where there is a gain issue. Originally posted by davohilts View Post. Originally posted by The Dude View Post. Originally posted by Randall View Post. Here, B is the power tube cathode voltage. What you did with the R's going from filaments to B sounds correct. Make sure the OT center tap is not wired up as shown in the schematic. I don't think that will work. Edit: sorry, no problem with that wiring, I wasn't seeing the connection at top of C Last edited by g1 ; , PM.
I have a customer with an all-tube pacemaker. His heartbeat is steady, reassuring and dependable, not like a modern heartbeat. And if it goes wrong he can fix it himself. You can't do that with SMD.
It was interesting to see it actually on a schematic! What is the signal level output by your phone? We need to make sure it's capable of driving the amp to full output power. Can you post readings from the power tube grids and plates for comparison? You should have quite a bit of gain there. First off, you're not being lame. There's no such thing as a stupid question. Well, unless you read the blonde jokes in that other thread You should be able to measure the voltage level out of your phone just as any other external circuit.
This will tell us what level we are starting with in AC volts. Then, yes, measure the signal level AC volts at the grids of the output tubes and again at the plates so that we can calculate how much gain is there.
On a side note: Since this is in a way a "new build" with you having to put the amp back to stock, you may also want to check out RG's debugging page. Tube Amplifier Debugging Page. With my phone set I test AC output at. Measurement at dummy load at OT is 4. Plenty of output tube gain and voltage. You said you checked with different speakers. Not shown in the schematic, but does this amp have external and internal speaker jacks and maybe you're plugged into the wrong one?
It seems to me the problem is right there at the output- maybe a bad OT. All rights reserved. Yes No. OK Cancel.

C.W. Stoneking
Discussion in ' Ampage Area ' started by wildeman , Sep 28, Log in or Sign up. Gretsch-Talk Forum. Harmony tuber
1968 Harmony H-306 A Combo Amp 1 x 12" Jensen Grey, Excellent, $795.00
Post by Tumtrah » Fri Mar 12, pm. Post by jthomas » Fri Mar 12, pm. Post by Tumtrah » Sat Mar 13, am. Post by tribi9 » Sat Mar 13, pm. Post by Tumtrah » Sat Mar 13, pm. Post by fenderheavy » Mon Mar 22, am. Post by Tumtrah » Mon Apr 05, pm. Post by Tumtrah » Fri Apr 09, pm.

May 27, Update I've updated the post where necessary. I've been playing this a few days each week since May and it's been a great companion. If you crank it a bit you get a gorgeous, low-watt bluesy breakup, too, which means it's and excellent choice for recording. Now back to the original post
By Mavguy , October 12, in Amplification and Effects. Not all of the really cool vintage amps to have are the super well known popular ones. Back in the sixties, amp makers were building amps with very little money spent on components, low parts count, etc, marketed as budget amps to begin with, these amps were cheesy right from their origin except Worth the time I've spent and then some, the brands Harmony and lesser known, almost cultish Lectrolab amps were both designed and built out of the same building, that entity called Sound Projects Company Interesting name choice! I am not positive but am pretty sure early Supro and possibly early Danelectro amps came from that same company as well, they built amps for several different labels! You can tell by the parts used, the choice of transformers, the layout, and the lead dress across the various brands and models.
Oddball Amps: Univox, Silvertone Amp, Harmony, Danelectro, Magnatone & More
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In my opinion you are wrong. Enter we'll discuss. Write to me in PM, we will handle it.
In my opinion, you are wrong. I'm sure. I can defend my position. Email me at PM.
Very useful question