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Iphone 4 my left speaker not working

The iPhone looks like it has two speakers along its lower edge, but only one of those is actually an external speaker -- the other is a microphone. Having an understanding of how the microphone and the external speaker works will help you identify if you're having problems with them. The small group of holes to the left of the Lightning connector on the bottom of the iPhone covers the phone's microphone. This microphone picks up what you say during phone conversations so your phone can transmit that audio to the person to which you're speaking. As a result, no audio comes out of this speaker. The small group of holes to the right of the Lightning connector is the device's speaker.


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WATCH RELATED VIDEO: iPhone 4 Speaker Replacement Tutorial

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Fourth generation iPhone. Repair is straightforward, but the front glass and LCD must be replaced as a unit. Baron mediabaron. My iPhone 4 won't output sound from the speaker for 'most' apps like the Music formerly iPod app app, Pandora, and YouTube. Also, keyclicks and lock sounds don't come out of the speaker. The mute switch isn't on, I've switched it back and forth. I've tried plugging and unplugging headphones into the headphone jack numerous times to see if some debris is in there.

I've tried cleaning the headphone jack with a cut Q-tip and a little bit of electronics cleaner, still nothing—though the first spin of the Q-tip looked pretty dirty since I've never cleaned it before. The iPhone is about 1 year old. The iPhone 4 will play via headset, Bluetooth, dock connector and via the earpiece for phone calls.

And if I move the ringer slider in Sounds prefs it works normally and produces the different levels of ringtones. The iPhone 4 will also produce keyclicks if I remote-lock the phone via iCloud and press the passcode, which has the keyclick sounds. Keyclicks don't normally work via TextFree—but for some reason it worked normally once and even got an SMS alert through the speaker. But after going to Music. If I have both Skype and Apple music app going, make a Skype call, put it into speakerphone mode sounds comes out of the speaker , open the App Dock, switch to Apple Music app and hit play, the volume control remains up and works normally though the audio is playing over the Skype call's audio.

I've already done a full a restore three times. One of those times I remote-wiped the phone and restored. Ran it without loading backup after yet another restore actually two restores and there are no sounds from the device, which was plain without loading any extra apps onto it.

No keyclicks. Once, after a restore, it made the 'hey I'm plugged into power' chirp, but that was it. Of course, after full restore from backup, sound still has the same weird problem as above. Yes, the Phone app works via speakerphone, and I can control the volume. And like Skype, once this audio channel is open, the Music app can play through the speaker—but as soon as the phone call hangs up, the audio from the speaker for Music app is gone, just like my test with Skype.

It seems like a programming call is routing audio in different ways in the iPhone 4. The app Recorder does not play via the speaker, but maybe it uses the music programming call to go through the speaker instead of the voice one. Does the speaker phone work when using the phone app? What i find interesting is that all the working apps are meant for dealing with voice.

Maybe there is two separate audio encoding chips for the iPhone and the one meant for voice is working while the one meant to play music is broken? Will take a look around google to see if can find any information that might support this. In my iPhone 4s is suddenly phone hearing speaker and audio speaker and head phone is not working.. Okay, I got my iPhone fixed by a 3rd party shop, not Apple. Turns out it was the dock connector. I had that replaced and now my iPhone 4 speaker works fine.

Even my unresponsive home button problems went away. I don't know why but it did. Voting your answer up, Recently came to the same conclusion with another iphone, and this fixed the issue. I think it might be something to do with the dock connector getting something in it that holds it open and the software tells the phone it is docked.

I found a small bit of paper in one side of the connector holding the small metal thing in. Will see if it stays fixed. I sent it into a 3rd party shop see my comment just below the original post above. Works fine now. Thank you Baron, i think i'm going to have to take it to a 3rd party to see if they can help me with this issue. Show 1 more comment. Ionut Cretu. Thank you! Still limping along with 4s till upgrade. Tried above solution and still works 2 years later after post.

Thank you as very sad when pandora isn't playing. At last it worked for me.. I tried all the above.. But there was no use. What I did was that , I turned it into silent, left top key to down plugged in the charger and removed suddenly deactivate silent left top key to top and it showed the volume bar on the screen suddenly plugged in the charger.

I heared the sound of plugging in. And the music also working. Try it.. May help you.. Best of luck. Sebin zacharias. Sebin, I tried air, unplugging, plugging, Q-Tip, pressing, squeezing, begging, pleading and praying. Sebin's Solution: "At last it worked for me.. Sebin zacharias". I had same problem as everyone above. Can of air. I spent hours trying every answer listed above and none worked. Hope this helps someone. Now that you mention it I think a headphone jack is fairly likely.

Headphone plugged in overrides speakers but not Bluetooth and dock connector. Voice memos only work when you press the speaker button right? The slide and the button clicks are not played when you have headphones in. I guess one way to check for sure is to press the volume up and down buttons on my iPhone 4s iOS 5. What I would do is open up the phone and actually disconnect the headphone jack flex cable, start it back up and see if it is working. Here is a guide you can use iPhone 4 Wi-Fi Antenna Replacement when you get the wifi antenna off there will be 5 cables under it, the headphone cable is the 3rd one from either side.

Just disconnect it, Turn your phone back on and test it. You don't have to put it all back together as long as your carefully not to touch anything to the backside while it's on. Good luck! I had the same issue. After a lot of hard work, i found that there was a button on the upper left side of my iphone. I just pushed it up and everything was ok. Now all sounds are working perfectly. There is an Air Play button that alows you to transfer to another source like Apple Tv or home computer.

It appears as a small box with a triangle pointing up. Try opening this if the icon appears while playing music or videos. If It shows the dock connector as an option. The connector may be bad or may need cleaning if it is not plugged into a dock the time of evaluation. Stephen Fulford. Willis Redd. I had the same problem as well. Have been trying to get it to work all afternoon. Granted it was very, very humid today but eventually I tried the toothbrush method and then I did what Sebin mentioned.

I think the force of sticking the plug in and out makes a difference. Either way, I did it hard and it dislodged whatever was in there. Dave Buck. I had the same problem on my 4s I just had the same issue with daughters iphone4. I tried all the fixes listed. The one that worked was blowing in the charging port then the ear plug.

It came on after doing that. Had the same problem. I tried blowing on the charging port and it worked like magic!

7 Solutions to Fix iPhone Speaker Not Working

Your iPhone is an extension of you. It contains more about your life than you probably even remember at any given moment! Many tasks you complete with your iPhone for any model require functional speakers to maximize the experience. Even your apps might not load correctly if tech issues are happening.

1. Make Sure Your iPhone Isn't On Silent · 2. Make Sure The Volume Is All The Way Up · 3. Make Sure Your iPhone Isn't Stuck On Headphones Mode · 4.

Iphone Left Speaker Not Working

Most iPhone models are high-performing products. One of these problems is when the iPhone speaker is not working. However, the precise cause of this problem may require some troubleshooting to uncover. Many things can potentially cause your iPhone speaker not to work. In most cases, you may have to troubleshoot a bit to establish the exact cause. However, there are some typical hardware and software-related causes including:. The Silence Unknown Callers feature silences all calls from unknown numbers to help you avoid robocalls and spam calls.

iPhone Speaker Not Working? 5 Fixes to Try

iphone 4 my left speaker not working

I have an inspiron R15 N for 3 years now, a couple of days ago one of the speakers stopped working. Go to Solution. If you don't have it then just fail the color bar test as described in the FAQ. If you hear tones through both speakers during the tests then the speaker itself is all right and some other part is the cause of the problem, probably the headphone jack since you know the audio is working correctly up to that point. If you only hear tones through one speaker then the other speaker is confirmed to have failed or has a loose connection.

Descriptive Audio.

iPhone No Sound – How To Fix & Tutorials!

If the microphone that's built-in or attached to your computer isn't picking up your voice, it may not be connected or configured properly. Check the following to be sure that others are able to hear you within whatever app or software you're using. Depending on the microphone or headset you're using, it may have its own mute button or switch. Always make sure your microphone has not been locally muted by a physical button or switch. There's a possibility that your microphone is working just fine, but the volume of your microphone may be set too low, and others are unable to hear you. Check the volume of your microphone sometimes referred to on your computer as the recording or input device to be sure it is at an adequate level.

My iPhone Speaker Sounds Muffled: Here’s the Fix

If your iPhone speaker is not working, it has the potential to be a bigger problem than you might expect. Even if you have headphones for listening to music , without the sound coming from the speaker, you can't hear incoming calls , alert tones, text notifications, and other features. In this guide, we look at eight easy ways to fix the most common reasons your iPhone isn't making a sound. Fixing an iPhone when the speaker doesn't work isn't necessarily hard, but it can be tricky. That's because many things can potentially cause an iPhone's speaker to remain silent. Most of the time, the exact cause of a faulty iPhone speaker isn't clear until you've tried the corresponding fix. If the speaker is working but doesn't sound as loud or clear as it should, you may need to skip the software and clean the iPhone speakers. If your iPhone speaker isn't working properly, follow these steps, in order, to troubleshoot the problem and get it working again.

Is this speaker supposed to work? 4 yr. ago HELP! so my iphone X had a pretty hard fall then the screen popped out so i brought it to the shop they.

How to fix Phone Speaker not Working

You use your smartphone's speakers all the time: to play to music, listen to your voicemail, make phone calls, and more. But what can you do if you think your iPhone speakers are not working? Is there an iPhone speaker test you can use to check the problem?

If you hear no sound or distorted sound from your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch speaker

RELATED VIDEO: Why Left Speaker Not Working on iPhone 13, 13 Mini, 13 Pro, 13 Pro Max? (2021)

If you can't hear a person's voice clearly, hear crackling, hear static, or have issues with sound quality, learn what to do. If you're using an iPad, you can also swipe down from the top-right corner to view Control Center and make sure that Silent Mode is off. Remove all screen protectors, films, or cases from your device. Check the speaker opening to see if it's blocked or dirty. On iPhone only, make sure that the receiver is not blocked or dirty. If necessary, clean the speaker or receiver opening with a small, soft-bristled brush.

Fourth generation iPhone.

Fix Speakers or Mic Not Working on Windows or Mac

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Subscriber Account active since. AirPods are great, except when they fail to work properly. And a surprisingly common glitch that many AirPod owners experience is also one that's relatively easy to fix: One AirPod doesn't work, so you only get audio in the right or left ear.

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