
❤️GEMINI❤️ This Person Is OBSESSIVELY Thinking About You Gemini…Here’s What To Know! Love Tarot

Book your free 1-on-1 call to talk about my "Highly Intuitive Tarot Reader" Program so you can strengthen your intuition, spiritual gifts, and navigate your soul mate connections soul purpose! Bending your reality and create personal disruption is about living an intuitively guided life.

#gemini #geminitarot


Before Tarot with KD I spent almost ½ of my life as an architect (15 years)!

While I mostly liked it, I felt stuck in a rut. I had this unshakable feeling that I was meant to do more with my life. But I couldn’t figure it out.

I spent all of my time outside of work trying many side hustles that fizzled out (a 3D wearable art biz, a sustainability venture, being an influencer, etc).

I felt like a failure and a bad wife/daughter/friend for all the time and energy I spent on this.

The problem was that instead of going after my soul’s purpose I was simply trying to “get by”.

But a paycheck can be a heck of a sedative, and I was comfortably numb. I wasn’t applying myself hard enough to something that wasn’t fully in alignment.

And before I knew it, 10 YEARS had flown by and I was still caught in this loop.

One day it hit me like a ton of bricks. I was acting from fear and scarcity.

I was moving away from fear and discomfort vs. moving towards purpose and abundance (VERY different energies!).

During this time I had been working on my spirituality and self development. So I doubled down on meditating and creating stability from within. It’s from this place that I started to hear my inner voice.

Then I started reading tarot which was like putting an amplifier on my intuition. Day by day it became easier to trust my inner wisdom.

And then I took a leap of faith and made the scariest decision of my life.

I QUIT my job with NO savings, NO income, NO safety net.

But the intuitive pull was so undeniable that I committed to going ALL IN.

Tbh the first few months were rocky: I maxed out my credit cards and overdrew my bank account. My husband and I split up. And I was going through a dark night of the soul and twin flame issues.

I was completely scared, freaking out. But so exhilarated and liberated at the same time.

And when things felt like they couldn’t get any worse… they started to turn around:

YouTube sent me my first check and has every month since.

My calendar filled up with tarot readings to the point that I had to turn people down.

And I created a team and program to help others learn to live an intuitively guided life.

All together these bring in 5-figures a month!

I wouldn’t have been able to do this had I continued to act from fear or stopped listening to my intuition at any point.

So for anyone that’s currently just starting out on finding their soul purpose, take it one intuitive hit at a time.

Work on becoming aware and present - so you can hear them and filter out fear.

Work on trusting in yourself - so you know when to follow them.

Work on believing in yourself - so you take that first step.

The right path will be shown to you each step of the way.

Intuitive Tarot for Soulmate and Twin Flame Journeys

Thank you to everyone who donated as an energetic exchange.


For legal purposes, all videos are general tarot readings, not one-to-one personal readings. Viewers are solely responsible for how they interpret all readings and Tarot with KD takes no responsibility for individual viewer interpretation or action. The viewer is responsible for their own life actions. For entertainment purposes only. Not to be used in place of professional advice whether legal, medical, business, or financial. Please seek a legal professional for these areas.
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