
04 Oct 2021. Observations on Tomsk: Intermittent Internet. Collective Consciousness & Frequency.

04 Oct 2021. Observations on Tomsk SOS.
Aronmix time stamps:
12:56 - 18:32;
40:08 - 43:55;
1:30:40 - 1:33:50;
1:51:59 - 1:56:20;
2:22:02 - 2:29:26;
3:13:13 - 3:28:27
Aronmix Marathon Candidate.
This soundtrack is originally from 8/8/2020, last year's Lion Gate Portal.
Please leave comments!!!!!

Intermittent internet slow-down for you also means slow downs for Tomsk.
Solar activity can add excess voltage into the atmosphere, forcing it down from the upper atmosphere to us.
This creates technological problems for this who use wireless, and domestic electronics that are not shielded.
Networks still relying on copper conductor, will be subject to excess atmospherics. The grounding method is extremely important.
The magnetic poles of the planet are shifting. Tis changes the grounding potential of the planet. Electronic technology often does not function at its most optimal for humans, during these times of heavy exchange within the telluric currents.
As we experience internet, and network issues, expect to see delays in the reporting of the detector units, as they post the results on the global network.
Tomsk is an educational institution, which provides this information free to the public, as a condition of their charter as a public institution. They are not responsible for outages in the networks which delay the timely publication of the reports.

Current Observations.
Amplitude features a spike at 14Hrs Local time, on 3rd oct.; synchronous burst, among the 4 modes. Also seeing a simultaneous spiking of Quality in White, Yellow modes.
Generally, a calm, stable day for Amplitude. This is the vertical conductivity channel, of additional voltage, or surplus, free-floating electron content.
Voltage is local, and it stays a relatively short time, before it is converted into coherent waves or magnetism, which is conducted in the atmosphere, measured in units of Teslas.
This effects thinking: ability to form electrochemical thoughtforms. Nervous functions are conducted electro-chemically through the nerve fibres. The pacemaker of the heart is effected by ambient electric-side activity.
Quality is the measure of the degredation of Amplitude into a coherent wave, thus traveling in a direction. Amplitude degrades into quality, which is the horizontal travel of the emf waves, coming from lightning. This is the predominent cause of the Schumann resonances.
Quality, the magnetic-side is what continues around the world to eventually form into the Schumann resonances. These are a subtle ringing within the cavity of the "waveguide." This atmospheric humming is the product of two fundamental waves interfering with each other, to create a third, more stable tone, or resonance. than the fundamentals which created it.
The Schumann resonances are a series of harmonics, which are caused in this fashion. Fundamental emf radiations emit into the atmosphere as voltage from lightning discharge, converting into magnetic-side coherent waves, which resolve into the Schumann-series of atmospheric harmonics.
The resonant frequency of ~7.8Hz is the foundational harmonic. It is always present. The Schumann resonances are a series of harmonics. It is a group of resonance frequencies; which are separate by 6.6Hz increments. The first one starts at ~7.8; with the others building from that one. It is not going to be increasing in frequency.

Collective Consciousness discussion.
FREQUENCY (And a bunch of words confused for it.)
Technically, frequency designates peak events over time. This is also cycles per second, such as a wave, propagating along a horizontal fashion.
This is one of the most misleading terms ever, relative to Schumann Resonances, atmospheric electromagnetics, and the alleged "Awakening." Frequency, is "cycles per second," which relates to a repetitious function, or to waves. A straight-line vector is not a frequency; that is a velocity. Amplitude is not a frequency, but a height, or intensity. Quality measurement as a frequency, is the measure of magnetics (which are coherent waves), measured in distance from peak-to-peak.
Frequency is a term with broad, often confusing usage. Below is a list of 'objects-in-motion'-words confused FOR frequency:
- Amplitude is vertical frequency, or Intensity, measured as deci-Bels of electron-Volts. Spikes relative to the spectrogram are scaled vectors, based upon the limitations of the scope itself.

Schumann-resonances weblink: ( https://schumannresonances.wixsite.com/website/post/04-oct-2021-observations-on-tomsk-sos-intermittent-internet-slow-down )

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