
Best mobile repair training Institute in hyderabad Emmc training class Duble ducekr ic reballing Etc

1 ) IC-intigruted circuit.
2) V- in- voltage IN
3)EN- enable
4)I2c- inter intigrated Circuit
5)Rst- reset
6)Vout-voltage out
7)RF-radio frequency
8) Nfc-near feild communication
9)PMIC-power management IC
11)GPS-graphic processing unit
12)U0900-audio IC
13)U2402-touch IC ( mesan ) ( cumules )
14)U1700-02-usb IC
15)q 1403- mosefet
16) STROBE- flash IC
17)U2203- gyro IC ( screen rotation IC )
18)U_ HB_PA- high band PA
19)U_ASM_RF- antina switch module
20)J2523- battary connector
21)U- indicates IC
22)J- indicates connector
23)XY- ind- cats Q- poet
24) U- buffer- front said buss buffer IC
25)U- cl BPAP- very low band power amplifier.
26)U-MB AP - nibble band amplifier
27)CHEST NUT - display IC.
28)C- capacitor , R- resistor ,L- coil , (@) In ductor.D- diode- clQ- clock.
29)AC-aiternate current.
30DC-direct current
31)MIPI - mobile inpostrial processor unit ( all lines related to imgeand video ).
32)ALS- ambient light sensor
33) CPP- AP
34)SPI- serial peripheral interface.
35) MOST- master out slave IN
36)MISO- master IN slave out
37)CS- chip select/ ss- slave select.
38) MCL-MAIN clock.
39)URT-universal asyncronize receivers trameter.
40)RX- receiver.
42)BUCK-high to low.
43)BOOST-low to high
44)LDO-low drop out
45)VCC-voltage IN
46)PP-power positive
47)PN-power negitive
48)SDA-serial data
49)SCL-serial clock
50)MOSFET-threeleg IC
52)RCAM-rare camera
53)NTC- negitive thermal cofficiant
54)RTC- real time clock
56)AF-auto focus
57)LED- light emitting diode
56)LEDDRU-LED drive
57)AVDD-analog to digital
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