
Ciat-Lonbarde Aluminum Phosphate Crystal Simulation

Internet percentage accumulation would suggest that 90% of online viewers are not concerned with video quality above 480p, assuming the audio crosses a standard threshold for pleasurable listening. Such is the convention for this audio-visual demonstration of Peter Blasser’s Aluminum Phosphate Crystal Simulation!

An Ionic bond based around 3 plus 5 equals 8, a phosphorus phase arrangement of oscillation meets in the middle of a triangle… a stimulating simulation, indeed.

This particular circuit was constructed utilizing an iteration of Peter B’s original design as envisaged by veritable synth wizard Meng Qi, reworked and repackaged as a compact, slimline PCB. Within the striated cityscape one can find an onslaught of personal modifications and component value preferences, offering the builder a truly unique instrument with endless combination possibilities. The production files were gifted to the synth DIY community, and are freely available for those of you curious to experiment with the sculpting of rhythmic electricity.

All audio herein was recorded with a Zoom H5 after hitting a Yamaha MG10 hardboiled with compression. Mild EQ and a hint of reverb were added in Ableton, pre-export. The almighty Dübernator makes a stunning appearance midway, thus advancing the crystallo-multiplex junction resonations from harsh chaotic territory into a lush primordial ooze.

More on the concept can be found here:
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