
Clap Switch !! clap switch circuit !! clap switch using transistor !! #electronicproject #project

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Clap switch , clap switch circuit diagram , clap switch arduino , clap switch circuit using bc547 transistor , clap switch circuit , top electronic project , clap switch mini project , top electrical projects , top 10 electrical projects , top electronics projects ideas

Some Ideas, And Experiment can be Dangerous.And for that you don't risk and damage your self and the environment, i am professional in my Business. With a lot of experience! Every video,even that is completed with compliance with the all safety measures. Enjoy the video eat the sweets WARNING: This video is for demonstration and education purpose only. Each demonstration present risk an hazards that must be fully under stood before attempting. And should be a performed only by professionals More

Component Layout : -

Resistance -
15k - 1
270k - 1
2.2m - 3
2.2k - 2
1.5k - 2
10k - 2
1k - 1
22k - 2

Transister : -
BC547 - 4

Capacitor :-
0.1uf - 1
0.4uf - 2
220uf/25v - 1

Diode :-
IN4148 - 3

condeser mic

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Pramod Repairing Centre
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