
Concert 'National Treasures' – Snowy Land of Zhang Zhung & The Frontier |《国之瑰宝》民族音乐会 --《象雄雪域》、《边塞行》

00:00 “Snowy Land of Zhang Zhung”
Composer: Chen Sipin
Performed by: Chinese Folk Music Troupe, China National Opera & Dance Drama Theater

09:06 "The Frontier"
Performed by: Chinese Folk Music Troupe, China National Opera & Dance Drama Theater

On one side is the snow-covered plateau that plays mysterious ballads. On the other side is the deserted frontier with thundering sounds of drum beats. On the holy plateau, we can think of the ancient civilization of Zhang Zhung and look for the once prosperous Silk Road posting station. At the isolated frontier, we can listen to the sound of the soaring geese and the melodies of the jade flute in the golden deserts of a country's border.

As the first two pieces of China National Opera and Dance Drama Theater’s Chinese folk music concert "National Treasures", "Snowy Land of Zhang Zhung" and "The Frontier" shall take you to the majestic snow mountains and golden deserts of China.



#民乐管弦乐 系列《 #国之瑰宝 》曲目《象雄雪域》、《边塞行 》,西风萧瑟,茫茫冰雪,激昂跌宕的乐声,带你穿越雪原与荒漠。

Discover more on traditional Chinese tunes 发现更多中国民乐之美:https://bit.ly/CNODDTTraditionalTunes
Chinese Music Tutorial 云上民乐课:https://bit.ly/CNODDTChineseMusicTutorial

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