
Couldn’t Believe how BiG Car Audio Super Store is!

Went to Car Audio to Buy some DS18 subs for 4th Order wall coming up on Channel..Stay tuned Overlook and review on Subs Coming..So SUBSCRIBE LIKE and COMMENT
#ds18 #caraudio

Enter Giveaway For Your Chance to WIN
1st Taramps Md3000.1
2nd Prv Slim Mid Range Mids (Pair)
3rd $50
$5- 1 Entries
$10-3 Entries
$20-6 Entries
$50-15 Entries

To Purchase Tickets send payment
CashApp $MouseTrappLLC
Zelle [email protected]
Include Name and Phone # on Notes
When Purchasing Tickets

Giveaway Ends March 31,2023
Good luck to those who Enter

Dm me on Ig mousextrap
For any questions or to confirm entry
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