
How do you find the equivalent resistance?|Equivalent resistance triangle circuit|#shorts|#trending

How do you find the equivalent resistance?|Equivalent resistance triangle circuit|#shorts|#trending by Brijesh Chaudhary

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The equivalent resistance is where the aggregate resistance connected either in parallel or series is calculated. Essentially, the circuit is designed either in Series or Parallel. Electrical resistance shows how much energy one needs when you move the charges/current through your devices.
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video highlights
1-How do you find the equivalent resistance?
The equivalent resistance is the algebraic sum of the resistances (Equation 10.3. ...
The current through the circuit is the same for each resistor in a series circuit and is equal to the applied voltage divided by the equivalent resistance:
2-What is the equivalent resistance of circuit?
3-What is equivalent resistance between A and B?
4-Equivalent resistance formula

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