
If I Could Only Have One Guitar | Part One

Hi all, so over the last year 18 months I have tried many different guitars and in recent times I have really nailed down what my No.1 is. Over the course of these 2 videos I will take you through the guitars that came before it and then why this guitar has become so important to me...

thanks for watching and please follow me on Instagram too @james_on_guitar

Time stamps:

0:00 '52 Reissue Telecaster & Princeton Reverb
2:45 PRS DGT & Bloomfield Drive
5:20 Case Guitars J1 Vintage & Dr Z Maz
8:09 The Two Strats
8:33 Fender Strat Demo with Class Reverb & Kingtone Rise
10:44 Case Strat with Classic Reverb & Kingtone Blues Power
12:44 Giveaway - HONESTLY the last video before the winner is announced!
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