
[JANNABI, "For lovers who hesitate"] Music Play with FU-19 vacuum tube amp

"For lovers who hesitate" of (1)JANNABI, (2)IU and (3)Lee SUHYUN
...are played with the FU19 tube amp.
※ Youtube link
(1) For lovers who hesitate (주저하는 연인들을 위해) - JANNABI(잔나비)
- https://youtu.be/t8P-zdkoeJA
(2) [아이유의 집콕시그널2] 아이유 엉망라이브3 Ep.3
- https://youtu.be/Ych7kD2QM3c
(3) 이수현(Lee Su-hyun)의 아쉬운 마음이 담겨 더 슬픈 ′주저하는 연인들을 위해′♪ 〈비긴어게인 코리아(beginagainkorea)〉 10회
- https://youtu.be/lykgBG6yhpM
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1. contents
00:05 For lovers who hesitate - JANNABI
04:30 For lovers who hesitate - IU
05:59 For lovers who hesitate - Lee Su-hyun
2. Image and video clip
- The video was shot by myself.
3. Font
- I used 'Font iropke batang’ and 'Font Korean French Typewriter' in this clip.
4. Purchasing information for FU-19 tube amplifier (FM30 tube amplifier is on sale instead of FU-19 as of April, 2022)
- "2020 Special Promotion ICAIRN AUDIO Hi-Fi Series 6N2+ FM30 Vacuum Tube Electronic Assembled Headphone Audio Amplifier 4W*2+1W"
- Aliexpress link :https://ko.aliexpress.com/item/32911779267.html?gatewayAdapt=glo2kor&spm=a2g0o.order_list.0.0.21ef140f1dWa4H
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