
Little Masterpieces of Science - Invention and Discovery by George Iles | Full Audio Book

Little Masterpieces of Science - Invention and Discovery by George Iles (1852 - 1942)
Genre(s): Science, Technology & Engineering

Read by: J. M. Smallheer, Phil Schempf, James R. Hedrick, Tatiana Chichilla, Owlivia, Piotr Nater, roselbex, Availle in English
Cover design by J.

00:00:00 - 00 - Preface
00:04:16 - 01 - Franklin Identifies Lightning with Electricity
00:11:27 - 02 - Faraday's Discoveries Leading Up to the Electric Dynamo and Motor
00:38:21 - 03 - Professor Joseph Henry's Invention of the Electric Telegraphc
00:52:18 - 04 - The First Atlantic Cables
01:12:30 - 05 - Bell's Telephonic Researches
01:49:25 - 06 - Photographing the Unseen: The Roentgen Ray
02:20:01 - 07 - The Wireless Telegraph
02:47:14 - 08 - Electricity, What Its Mastery Means: With a Review and a Propect
03:39:08 - 09 - Count Rumford Identifies Heat with Motion
03:52:15 - 10 - Victory of the 'Rocket' Locomotive

More information: https://librivox.org/invention-and-discovery-by-george-iles/

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