
Look what you've created! DigiPi radio data hot spots!

Let's look at the creative highlights of the DigiPi community! Great work everyone. Please share what you know, learn what you don't. This has given me lots of exciting ideas around re-imagining amateur radio in a digital world. http://craiger.org/digipi

Get DigiPi softare image: http://craiger.org/digipi

http://discord.gg/3X9bMjjwxw (Live chat)
http://groups.google.com/u/2/g/digipi (Primary group/mailing list)
http://craiger.org/digipi (Build info, downloads)
http://digipi.wiki/ (community docs)
http://groups.io/g/digipi/ (deprecated mailing list for now)
http://patreon.com/km6lyw (exclusive content and backing)
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