
[Manual#4] 6E1 진공관 VU미터(조립하기②) 6E1 vacuum tube VU meter DIY(Assembling②)

1. Contents
00:00 Making 6E1 vacuum tube VU meter_Chapter IV
00:08 1_전원부 조립하기① (Assembling the power supply ①)
02:14 2_DC Converter 출력 전압 조정 (DC Converter output voltage adjustment)
03:45 3_전원부 조립하기② (Assembling the power supply②)
07:18 4_스피커 신호 케이블 만들기 (Make speaker signal cable)
08:29 5_신호부 조립하기 (Assembling the signal part)
10:32 6_조립 마무리하기 (Finishing the assembly)
19:22 7_진공관 끼우기 (Insert vacuum tube)

2. BGM
Track: "Takahiro Nakata - Into_the_Green"
Music provided by Tokyo Music Walker:

3. Image and video clip
- 만들기 영상은 직접 촬영하였습니다. (The DIY video was shot by myself.)
- Pexels(https://www.pexels.com/)와 Unsplash (https://unsplash.com/)에서 다운로드 받은 사진을 영상 내에 사용하였습니다. (I used some photos which is provided by Pexels (https://www.pexels.com/) and Unsplash (https://unsplash.com/))

4. Font
- 영상 내에 '이롭게 바탕체’와 '한국·프랑스 정부 표준 타자기체'를 사용하였습니다.
(I used 'Font iropke batang’ and 'Font Korean French Typewriter' in this clip.)

5. 6E1 VU meter DIY Kit 구매 정보
- About "GHXAMP DC12V 6E1 Tube level indicator Driver Kits Board Dual Channel For Audio Tube amplifier Radio Preamplifier DIY Low Voltage" kit
- Aliexpress link : https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000419888388.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.fb264c4dmHeIpv
(option : "Kits add Two Tube")
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