
[Manual#7] Push-pull 6N2 6P1 Tube Amp(Find and repair the defective part and complete KIT assembly)

I made a vacuum tube amplifier with a push-pull circuit method that has a higher output compared to the single amplifier circuit method.

In this manual, I found the faulty part of the amplifier, repaired it, and finished assembling the amplifier.

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1. Contents
00:21 1_debugging plan
04:53 2_Right channel 0.33 μF coupling capacitor replacement
06:30 3_Replacing Left/Right Channel Coupling Capacitors
08:28 4_Measure bad capacitors with a tester
09:53 5_Close the case cover and finish assembling the kit
2. BGM
Track: "Drag Race - TrackTribe.mp3" and "Love or Lust - Quincas Moreira.mp3"
Music provided by google
3. Image and video clip
- The DIY video was shot by myself.
- I used some photos which is provided by Pexels (https://www.pexels.com/) and Unsplash (https://unsplash.com/)
4. Font
- I used 'Font iropke batang’ and 'Font Korean French Typewriter' in this clip.
5. "Three-stage balance T1 6N2 6P1 push-pull pure bile high-end tube amplifier, tube power amplifier, finished product or DIY kit"
- Aliexpress link :https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005002035758418.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.0.0.21ef1802qaaJ4C
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