
Matt Gaetz Is Begging Trump To Become The Speaker Of The House

Matt Gaetz is still working to make Donald Trump happy, and he has reportedly been spending lots of time trying to convince the twice-impeached former President that he should be the next Speaker of the House, if Republicans win the midterms. Gaetz has gone as far as to suggest that they only do it for a few hours so that the workload doesn't get to Trump too badly. Gaetz is a sniveling little brown noser who shouldn't be rewarded with another term in office, as Farron Cousins explains.

Link - https://www.newsweek.com/matt-gaetz-trump-speaker-house-gorka-1681738

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Republican Congressman Matt gates. Isn't good for much in Congress. And I'm saying that by the way, as a constituent in his district, we've got very real problems happening here right now. And we have for many years problem after problem, natural disasters, all kinds of things, uh, gates has done nothing. But what he is doing is he's making himself hugely popular by traveling all over the country, by doing media interviews, with any outlets, still willing to put him on cuz you know, he is not allowed on Fox anymore. After the investigation was announced and he threw Tucker under the bus, but this week, Matt gates made it clear of what he's actually been up to while neglecting his own con constituents. And apparently he's been trying to beg Donald Trump for days and days and days to be the next speaker of the house. Assuming Republicans win control of the house back in the 2022 midterms this year here is what Matt gates had to say to Sebastian Gorka in a recent interview. I think America deserves that moment. When Nancy Pelosi hands, Donald Trump, the gavel, I told him, you don't even have to be speaker for the whole day. You could do it for like three or four hours. Give us a great speech, make a few structural reforms to the institution. Then you could resign and we could have an another election for speaker.

So he admits right there, you know, purely symbolic just because he wants to see Nancy Pelosi have to give the gave over to Donald Trump. Cuz he thinks like, aha, that's what politics is all about. Oh, it's all about owns and making somebody look foolish I guess, because they have to give it to the next person. And unfortunately, as, as we've discussed many times the uh, rules are not clear as to who can be the speaker of the house, right? There's an ambiguity to it that does in fact, or at least would seemingly allow anyone in this country to become the speaker of the house of representative. Because it does not say in the rules that it has to be a sitting member of Congress. Hell if I had good enough connections, I could convince them, Hey, make me speaker of the house for the next like three to four hours.

I'll give you a kick speech. I'll change some rules and then I'll retire. You can hold another election. Literally any of us, we, we could become the ex speaker of the house. I don't even think it has to be somebody from the United States. I mean, hell we could, uh, uh, pick anybody across the country, across the world, across the globe. So it's really open for anybody. So yeah, I mean we can't necessarily say Donald Trump can't be the speaker of the house. It's there in the rules because it's not in the rules. Therefore it is fair, fair game. However, how stupid is this right? I mean, could you imagine for a second, if you had to be such a sniffling little groveling grimy piece of dirt, like Matt gates to spend your days to spend your career sucking up to Donald Trump and for what, what do you get out of it?

Matt gates, cuz we already know your fundraising is lackluster. We already know your approval rating back home. The actual people who vote for you for the first time ever below 50%, we're off at you. Not just the Democrats, either Republicans getting pretty as well. So you're literally destroying your own career to kiss this man's. I, I, I, I don't understand it. I truly honest to God could not wrap my head around being not much of a frigging slime ball to make it your, your passion in life to kiss Donald Trump's. What apathetically humiliating way to go through your life. But that is what Matt gates has chosen. Meanwhile, as I mentioned, his constitu tunes here they are suffering. We recently actually just, you know, for the record and I tweeted this out the other day, we, uh, had a utility merger here in, in Northwest Florida that sent our energy prices, skyrocketing.

Some people paying double, even triple in some instances what their previous power bill was just in December. It's a huge, huge hu blue down here. Like everybody's off there's massive campaigns underway. And the only thing Matt gates has done is he mentioned it once to try to blame it on Biden, like our Repu
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