
ROCK CRUNCH Amplifier Shootout! (Marshall, Friedman, Orange, EVH, Wangs & H&K)

00:00 Introduction & Details (signal flow etc.)
02:09 Marshall SC20H JCM800 Studio
03:26 Marshall SC20H JCM800 Studio ISOLATED
04:48 Orange Dual Terror DT30H
06:02 Orange Dual Terror DT30H ISOLATED
07:17 Friedman JJ JR
08:30 Friedman JJ JR ISOLATED
09:43 Wangs 1987HW
10:58 Wangs 1987HW ISOLATED
12:11 EVH 5150III EL34 50W
13:24 EVH 5150III EL34 50W ISOLATED
14:29 Hughes & Kettner Tubemeister Deluxe 40
15:43 Hughes & Kettner Tubemeister Deluxe 40 ISOLATED
16:37 A/B Back To Back Comparison ISOLATED
19:03 A/B Back To Back Comparison ISOLATED Same Cab
20:53 Conclusion

Thanks for watching this mid-gain rock 'n roll crunch guitar amplifier head shootout/comparison! In this video I just used one guitar and one style, so one tone per amp. The guitar is my Gibson Les Paul Classic (Super 57 pickup). Let me know in the comments what your thoughts were of this shootout!

The amps featured:

- Marshall SC20H JCM 800 Studio
- Orange Dual Terror DT30H
- Friedman JJ JR (Jerry Cantrell)
- Wangs 1987HW 50W Handwired Plexi
- EVH 5150III EL34 50W
- Hughes & Kettner Tubemeister Deluxe 40

The signal chain:

- Gibson Les Paul Classic
- Amp Heads
- RedSeven Amplification Amp Central Reactive Load
- York Audio Impulse Responses
- Cubase 11 (Steven Slate Drums 5.5)

RedSeven Amp Central Reactive Load review: https://youtu.be/5RkA2xZ2ZKo

York Audio Impulse Responses: https://www.yorkaudio.co/

Thanks for watching! Let me know in the comments what your thoughts are, please subscribe along with the bell and follow SDS at:


#crunch #amplifier #comparison #shootout #marshall #rock #sc20h #orange #dualterror #friedmanjjjr #wangs #1987hw #plexi #evh #5150IIIel3450w #hugheskettner #tubemeisterdeluxe40 #yorkaudio #redseven #ampcentral #gibsonlespaulclassic
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