
[Sohyang "Road"] Music Play with EL34 tube amp (after adding BT 5.1 module)

I played Sohyang's "Road" with an EL34 tube amplifier with a Bluetooth 5.1 module added.

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1. Image and video clip
- The video was shot by myself.
2. Font
- I used 'Font iropke batang’ and 'Font Korean French Typewriter' in this clip.
3. Bluetooth 5.1 QCC5125 decoding module analog input hard decoding APTX HD LDAC
- Aliexpress link : https://ko.aliexpress.com/item/1005002767459891.html?gatewayAdapt=glo2kor&spm=a2g0o.new_account_index.0.0.9bae1f9896hpos
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