
Testing Speaker Damping Materials... Again!

I thought this would be a more direct test to demonstrate what these damping materials do inside a speaker box. It shows the effect the stuffing has on the sound waves coming from the speaker before they hit the bowl and make that vibrate, and it also shows how effective it is at shortening the "ring time" of the bowl itself.
And of course the sound can and will go around the stuffing on its way to the bowl, but I thought this would give a relatively good approximation of the damping power of the sound waves by the damping material only.
Some will say that a bowl isn't a speaker box, but they are not at all dissimilar. The box will "ring" in the same way, just at a different frequency and amplitude depending upon the stiffness and self-damping properties of the wood used to construct the box. The bowl just gives a more dramatic demonstration.
It's worth pointing out that these tests that I'm doing are not to give this problem more weight than it it deserves. In most regards, box vibration and the sound that comes from it isn't a problem at all, since it will be so far below the speaker output that you won't be able to detect it. It's only when (in my opinion and experience) the panels get to be very large and unbraced and undamped that they can put out enough sound energy to be heard.
When building speakers there's ALWAYS a tradeoff. And in my opinion the best approach is to concentrate on the factors that will make the most difference first, and not get bogged down fretting over box material or stuffing / damping. These factors are very low in the overall design as far as ultimate sound quality is concerned. Knowing this will better equip you to make the important tradeoffs to get the results you are looking for.

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