
Why I'm Going Back to Amps... Kind of. (My Hybrid Rig)

Grab the "JM Worship Preset" here: https://justinmuncy.etsy.com/listing/1641648452/quad-cortex-jm-worship-preset-pdf
Grab the "JM Pedalboard Preset" here: https://justinmuncy.etsy.com/listing/1596136504/quad-cortex-jm-pedalboard-pdf-preset
Grab the JM Preset BUNDLE here: https://justinmuncy.etsy.com/listing/1655833873/quad-cortex-preset-bundle-jm-worship

***GEAR I USE***
As A Sweetwater Affiliate I earn a small commission from the links in this post. I only advertise products I use and/or believe in!
Orange Micro Terror Head - https://sweetwater.sjv.io/jrg050

Amp Load Box / DI
Two Notes Torpedo Captor - https://sweetwater.sjv.io/757qDQ

Guitar Modeling
Neural DSP Quad Cortex - https://sweetwater.sjv.io/4PY0yZ
SKB Quad Cortex Case - https://sweetwater.sjv.io/PyZEmY

Guitar Pedals
Walrus Audio Deep Six - https://sweetwater.sjv.io/Mm1zgK
JHS Bender Fuzz - https://sweetwater.sjv.io/DKrGBn
JHS Moonshine - https://sweetwater.sjv.io/QygL03
Jackson Audio Belle Starr - https://sweetwater.sjv.io/5g3EKL
EH Micro Pog - https://sweetwater.sjv.io/B0QaGq
Strymon Mobius - https://sweetwater.sjv.io/eKGXaz
Strymon Timeline - https://sweetwater.sjv.io/JzaXBE
Strymon BigSky - https://sweetwater.sjv.io/B0QaBq
Walrus Audio ACS1 - https://sweetwater.sjv.io/nLzxAX
Strymon Zuma - https://sweetwater.sjv.io/AWDeA7

Something happened to me last December that changed my entire stance on guitar modelers, amp pedals, and tone. I really can't believe I'm saying this but... After two years of playing on digital guitar modelers and amp replacement pedals, I'm going back to tube amps. No, I'm not joining the leagues of tone snobs who swear you need a tube amp to sound good. I don't think modelers suck at all. But if you haven't played on an amp in a minute, then I think it's time you give it another try.

The amp that did it for me was actually a $160 Orange Micro Terror head. I plugged into it because it was so darn cute, and was immediately blown away. Was it the most glorious amp tone I had ever heard? No. But there was just something to the texture and feel of playing a guitar through an amp. I refuse to say it was "pushing air" because I hate that phrase. Still, the experience was different enough that I said out loud: "I think I've been playing on digital for far too long."

But, I like many of you live in a condo, and I can't crank my tube amp to those ear piercing levels to achieve that sweet spot tone so I decided I would try out a Hybrid Rig. Now with my Quad Cortex, amp head, and Two Notes Torpedo Captor I'm able to get the modern convenience and flexibility of digital with the creamy, rich, and lively tone of my favorite tube amps. I've been recording guitar this way for about two months now, and it's been an incredible experience.

In this video, I'm peeling back the curtain on how I was able to utilize the FX loop on the Quad Cortex paired with my favorite amp & load box to easily implement my tube amp into my guitar workflow. And the best part, all I had to do was substitute the amp in my go-to Quad Cortex presets for an FX loop and I was off to the races with tone for days. Oh, and also pretty cool: I can crank my tube amp and still have total volume control. That's right: sweet spot tone and no upset neighbors. Now, I'm sure you are wondering how big of a difference this actual makes? To help out, I've got several tone comparisons throughout the video so you can hear for yourself. But if you ask me, I think the difference becomes larger as you start to layer more guitars. It's the cumulative effect that's helped my guitars sit even better in a mix.

Be sure to grab a copy of my Quad Cortex preset through the link to my Etsy store, like the video, share it with a fellow guitarist, and subscribe to the channel, if you haven't already-

Connect With Me, and INQUIRE about Ableton Lessons, Guitar, Music Directing, etc:
IG: http://instagram.com/justinmuncy
TikTok: http://tiktok.com/@justinmuncy
Website: http://justinmuncy.com

0:00 Something Happened Last December...
1:13 There's Just Something About Amps
1:42 Why I Went Hybrid & Tones
3:36 How I Set It Up
5:36 You Can Get Crazy With It
6:33 Does It Actually Sound Better?

Other videos you might enjoy:
I Re-Created My Pedalboard in the Quad Cortex: https://youtu.be/YpOIIzFNX8Q
Should You Buy A Quad Cortex?: https://youtu.be/tT_iMMd2J-k
Pedalboard Rig Rundown: https://youtu.be/LjWso3PMoGM
Neural Capture Sounds... Better than my Amp?: https://youtu.be/LkFhmxGqatw

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